
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

8. By Thorsten Alteholz

* debian/control: Standards version moved to 3.9.2 (no changes)
* debian/control: dependency on dpatch removed
* debian/control: add dependency on libperl4-corelibs-perl to librplay-perl
* debian/control: architecture: all for librplay-perl
* debian/source/format: changed to 3.0 (quilt)
* debian/rules: dpatch removed
* debian/rules: build-arch and build-indep according to lintian
                recommendation added
* debian/patches: moved from dpatch to quilt
* debian/rplay-server.rplay: add Description: to init-script

7. By Thorsten Alteholz

* New maintainer (Closes: #473853)
* patch to avoid crash in case there is nothing to play (Closes: #502610)
* debian/copyright: copyright collected from source files (Closes: #532449)
* debian/control: depend on libreadline-dev (Closes: #553842)
* debian/control: renaming rplay-perl to librplay-perl (Closes: #575930)
                  according to apt-rdepends only rplay-contrib depends
                  on rplay-perl, so simply renaming should do no harm
* debian/control: use Breaks: instead of Conflitcs: for older vresion
                  of package
* debian/control: dependency on dpkg (>= 1.15.4) | install-info added
* debian/control: dependency on debhelper (>= 8.0.0)
* debian/control: standard bumped to 3.9.1
* debian/control: new package for shared library added
                  as lintian complained about a shared library within
                  another package, the library has to be moved from
                  rplay-client to a separate package
* debian/control: lintian overrides for symbol file added
* debian/control: DM-Upload-Allowed added
* debian/rules: dh_clean -k replaced by dh_prep
* debian/compat: 5 changed to 8
* debian/README.source added
* debian/source/format: start with format 1.0
* debian/*inst: change -e to set -e
* debian/*rm: change -e to set -e
* the following maintainer scripts have been removed (they are empty):
  - librplay3-dev.postinst
  - rplay-client.postinst

6. By Sandro Tosi

* QA upload.
* Acknowledging NMU: thanks to Peter Eisentraut who took care
* debian/control
  - set QA group as maintainer
  - bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0
  - added Homepage field
  - added dpatch build-dep
  - replaced ${Source-Version} with ${binary:Version} in librplay3-dev dep
  - section fixed for librplay3-dev (libdevel)
  - set section: perl for rplay-perl
  - short descriptions re-worded
* debian/watch
  - added
* debian/rules
  - added dpatch stuff
  - removed '-s' option from install call; thanks to Julien Danjou for the
    report; Closes: #437921
  - removed '-' in front of clean target commands
  - removed commented dh_* call
  - installed upstream changelog directly (passing the filename to
  - make call are now made with $(MAKE)
  - init file installation moved from install to binary-arch target
* debian/patches/01_previous_changes.dpatch
  - added to remove direct upstream code changes
* debian/copyright
  - clearly separated copyright and license notices
  - indented copyright, license and upstream author with 4 spaces
  - reformat the location of a Debian system of GPLv2 license text
  - left only the caption of GPLv2 license text
* debian/rplay-contrib.postinst
  - removed since empty
* debian/rplay-client.postrm
  - removed since empty
* debian/patches/10_fix_manpages.dpatch
  - added to fix hyphen-used-as-minus-sign lintian warnings
* debian/rplay-server.rplay
  - applied the patch from Christian Perrier; thanks to him; Closes: #389067
* debian/librplay3.docs
  - removed installation of changelog, we do it in debian/rules

5. By Peter Eisentraut

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Added LSB formatted dependency info in init.d script (closes: #468571)

4. By Matthias Klose

* Rebuild for ldbl128 change (powerpc, sparc).
* Set Ubuntu maintainer address.

3. By lantz moore <email address hidden>

re-generated configure script (closes: 369208)

2. By lantz moore <email address hidden>

* better arg passing in rplaydsp. (closes: Bug#133199)
* rplayd now closes stdin. (closes: 135672)
* fixed redundant declarations. (closes: 138699)
* better ogg helper.

1. By lantz moore <email address hidden>

Import upstream version 3.3.2

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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