
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

9. By Michael Bienia

Drop the Hildon and UME changes as UME is dead.
The package can be sync on next occasion.

8. By Ilya Barygin

* Merge from Debian (LP: #765949), remaining changes:
  - Split out hildonization modifications to cairo-clock-hildon
  - Added hildon as a general build-dependency

7. By Michael Casadevall

* Merge from Debian, remaining Ubuntu chages:
  - Split out hildonization modifications to cario-clock-hildon
  - Added hildon as a general build-dependency

6. By Michael Casadevall

* Corrected autoconfigure rules to make --enable-hildon work properly
* Split out hildonization modifications to cario-clock-hildon
* Changed build-deps to make hildon a general dependency vs. lpia specific
* Corrected installation of the UME glade layout for cairo-clock-hildon

5. By Emmet Hikory

[Adilson Oliveira]
* Changed interface to fit in smaller windows and removed
  unused options for UME with --enable-hildon flag.

[Steve Kowalik]
* Update the re-autoconf patch, splitting the configure.ac changes into its
  own patch, and use the same version of automake.
* Update the Maintainer field as per spec.
* Add 04_ume_onlyshowin.diff to add OnlyShowIn to the .desktop file.

[Emmet Hikory]
* Rebase .desktop and .desktop.in patches to apply cleanly, despite
  the .desktop not being generated from .desktop.in at build-time.

4. By Bart Martens

* New upstream release.
* debian/patches/01_aboutclosebutton.diff: Removed. Is solved in new
  upstream release.
* debian/control: Updated package versions in Build-Depends and added
  libxml-parser-perl to Build-Depends.
* debian/menu: Updated longtitle and section. Closes: #445158.
* debian/patches/02_desktop_categories.diff: Added. Updates the Categories
  field in the .desktop file.
* debian/patches/03_composited.diff: Added. Allows using this program
  without "composited desktop".
* debian/rules: Re-compress manpage.

3. By Bart Martens

* debian/patches/01_aboutclosebutton.diff: Added.
* debian/control: Removed xcompmgr from Recommends.

2. By Bart Martens

* Initial release in Debian. Closes: #423554.
* debian/*: Repackaged with cdbs.
* debian/menu: Added.
* debian/control, debian/rules, debian/install: Use imagemagick to convert
  the icon from .png to .xpm for use in debian/menu.
* debian/copyright: Updated.
* debian/watch: Added.

1. By Mirco Müller

* added new themes
* added and fixed patch for 24h-mode supplied by Darryll
* fixed some of my own themes

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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