
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

14. By Sandro Tosi

* debian/rules
  - set MPLCONFIGDIR to current directory when building the doc, fixing a
    FTBFS; thanks to Lucas Nussbaum for the report; Closes: #665038
* debian/control
  - bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3 (no changes needed)

13. By Sandro Tosi

* New upstream release
* debian/patches/10_doc_relocation
  - refreshed for new upstream code
* debian/patches/40_astar_unique_shortest_path.diff
  - removed, merged upstream
* debian/patches/40_no_setuptools_in_requires.txt
  - don't add setuptools to requires.txt; Closes: #639995
* debian/patches/50_nosetests_verbosity_0
  - set verbosity=0 else tests can't be run
* debian/{control, rules}
  - use dh_sphinxdoc

12. By Sandro Tosi

* debian/patches/40_astar_unique_shortest_path.diff
  - make A* shortest paths unique; Closes: #634083

11. By Sandro Tosi

* New upstream release
* debian/control
  - added dvipng to b-d-i, needed for math images

10. By Sandro Tosi

* debian/patches/10_doc_relocation
  - write a description for this patch
* debian/control
  - bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no changes needed)
  - don't use 'we' in long description
* debian/rules
  - install upstream changelog

9. By Sandro Tosi

* debian/{control, source/format, rules}
  - switch to '3.0 (quilt)' source format
* debian/rules
  - use '-f' option of rm instead of the make-way of ignoring error
* debian/rules
  - remove 2 doc files not needed (they are actually broken symlinks); thanks
    to Ian Zimmerman for the report; Closes: #580839
* debian/patches/changeset_r1745.diff
  - replace string exceptions, removed from python >= 2.6; Closes: #585307
* debian/{control, pyversions}
  - removed pyversions, now using XS-P-V

8. By Sandro Tosi

* New upstream release
* debian/copyright
  - added Drew Conway to the list of copyright holders
* debian/patches/20_example_dirs_remove
  - refreshed for new upstream code
* debian/control
  - bump versioned python-support b-d to at least version 1
* debian/rules
  - install ReST source for documentation, since it's not currently buildable

7. By Sandro Tosi

* debian/rules
  - use '--install-layout=deb' when installing and '*-packages' when referring
    to installation path, to make the package be Python2.6-ready; thanks to
    Jakub Wilk for the report; Closes: #571508

6. By Sandro Tosi

* New upstream release; thanks to Yaroslav Halchenko for the report;
  Closes: #565319
* debian/control
  - take maintainership back under DPMT umbrella; thanks to Cyril Brulebois
    for his work
  - adjust Vcs-{Svn, Browser} to point to DPMT location
  - bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4
    + added debian/README.source
  - replace b-d-i on python-all-dev with python only
  - use HTTP (and not HTTPS) for Homepage field
  - rephrased short description; thanks to Rogério Brito for the report;
    Closes: #557895
* debian/pyversions
  - minimum version set to 2.5
* debian/copyright
  - updated upstream copyright authors and license information
  - update copyright notice for packaging
* debian/watch
  - updated to report numerical (with dots) releases
* debian/patches/20_fix_broken_svn_keyboards
  - removed, fixed upstream
* debian/patches/20_example_dirs_remove
  - don't created empty dirs for examples no more present

5. By Cyril Brulebois

* Upload to unstable now that lenny is released (yay).
* Fix FTBFS with python-support 0.90.3: no longer rely on its internal
  behaviour, and xnow set tests/test.py executable right after “setup.py
  install” (Closes: #517065).
* Drop executable bits from bz2 files.
* Update Vcs-* fields: move from DPMT's svn to collab-maint's git.
* Remote DPMT from Uploaders, following Piotr Ożarowski's request.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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