
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

7. By Michael Terry

* debian/control:
  - Conflict on cedet-common and cogre, allowing clean upgrades to
    precise from lucid (LP: #466531)

6. By Mike O'Connor <email address hidden>

add temporary conflicts on cedet (Closes: #644185)

5. By Mike O'Connor <email address hidden>

* New Maintainer
* new upstream release (Closes: #548854)
* add Homepage field to control (Closes: #615403)
* remove obsolete dependencies (Closes: #617303)
* convert to 3.0 (quilt)
* convert to dh7
* change dependency from emacs21 to emacs23
* add dependency on install-info
* add dependency on texinfo
* add ${misc:Depends}
* change doc-base section to Programming
* upgrade Standards-Version to 3.9.2

4. By Zak B. Elep

* debian/control
  Remove dependency to build PDF and html files.
* debian/emacsen-startup:
  Change back to (require 'ecb-autoloads) for quick loading.
* Drop pdf file installation by default.
* Depend on cogre and cedet-contrib.
* Drop jde as suggests

Cai Qian <email address hidden> Sat, 3 Jue 2006 23:33:00 +0100

* New upstream release. (Closes: #289090, #269793, #292356)
* New maintainer (Closes: #321808).
* Change build system to use CDBS + debhelper.
* debian/rules:
  - Remove extraneous .cvsignore files and bash scripts.
    (Closes: #301939)
  - dh_link now placed in debian/links .
  - Handle doc installation via DEB_INSTALL_DOCS_ALL , remove
    debian/docs .
* debian/patches:
  - Add 10_Makefile_adjust.patch (old fixes)
* debian/control:
  - Bump Standards-Version.
  - Adjust debhelper dependency to (>= 5.0.7).
  - Add homepage to long description.
  - Add cdbs and debhelper to Build-Depends.
  - Rewrite description synopsis.
* debian/copyright:
  - Add notice from ecb.el . Must ping upstream to update FSF
* debian/emacsen-install:
  - Get ecb to find its images by properly linking to
    /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/ecb/ecb-images (Closes: #272506)
* debian/emacsen-startup:
  - Use (require 'ecb) instead of (require 'ecb-autoloads) so we
    can call ECB from the Tools menu (Closes: #296794)

3. By Joerg Jaspert <email address hidden>

And include latest Upstream too...

2. By Joerg Jaspert <email address hidden>

* New Upstream Version (Closes: #231773).
* Bug fix: "ecb: source dir on load path", thanks to Ian Zimmerman
  (Closes: #223811).

1. By Joerg Jaspert <email address hidden>

Import upstream version 2.21

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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