
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

43. By Charlie_Smotherman

Added missing variable in debian/ampache.postinst.

42. By Charlie_Smotherman

* Use conditional statements to create the "$sa", "$se", "$ea", "$confd"
  variables in ampache.postinst. These vars are only needed if Apache2 is
  installed and no attempt should be made to create them when using lighttpd.
* Added additional check in mythbuntu_apache_install to check for the
  presents of the needed symlink so mythbuntu upgrades do not fail. Thx Bill
  Walker for the bug report. (LP: #874142 #880654)
* Removed install statement from debian/ampache.install so a duplicate copy
  of the upstream changelog is not installed as reported by lintian.
* Reordered debian/control Depends and Suggests fields.

41. By Charlie_Smotherman

* debian/control
  - added apache2-mpm-itk as an alternative recommends dependency.
    (LP: #826443)
* debian/README.Debian
  - updated with a blob about apache2-mpm-itk.
  - updated bzr and git repo references.

40. By Charlie_Smotherman

* added /debian/scripts directory, and moved grab_xspf.sh into it.
* debian/ampache.conf
  - removed unused variables
  - removed debconf db versioning, not need.
* debian/ampache.install
  - reorganized for easier readability.
* debian/ampache.postinst
  - added additional checks and logic to verify if ampache.conf,
    ApacheAmpache, ampvhadd, or 000-default are being used to provide the
    Ampache alias, and installs Ampache accordingly. Default is to use
  - added additional comments.
  - removed debconf db versioning, not needed.
* debian/ampache.preinst
  - removed ampache.conf removal.
  - removed unused variables.
* debian/control
  - corrected typo
* debian/copyright
  - corrected the word File to be Files per DEP5 spec.
  - corrected spacing in copyright notices per DEP5 spec.
  - removed PHP License, upstream has removed php-pear/xml-rpc.
* debian/links
  - reorganized into groups for easier readability.
* debian/rules
  - added removeal of libphp-snoopy to get-orig-source

39. By Charlie_Smotherman

updated debian/ampache.install to install favicon.ico.

38. By Charlie_Smotherman

* New upstream release.
* Removed xspf_notification.patch included upstream.
* Updated logratate_fix for new upstream code.
* Added postrotate rule to ampache.logrotate to correct ownership of
  var/log/ampache after the logs are rotated. (LP: # #722274)
* debian/rules
  - added get-orig-source.
  - removed exclude rules from debian/rules.
* debian/links
  - added link to link /usr/share/logrotate.d/ampache to /etc/ampache so
    usr/sysadmin can easily customize the rotation to their needs.
  - reorganized so it is not so confusing.
* debian/dirs
  - rmoved /usr/share/ampache/www/modules/pearxmlrpc no longer needed.
  - added /var/log/ampache/old to contain the old rotated logs.
* debian/control
  - update Standards Version to 3.9.2 no changes needed.
  - added phpmailer to depends.
  - reorganized depends field.
* Reorganized ampache.install.

37. By Charlie_Smotherman

Added postrotate stanza to debian/ampache.logrotate. Logrotate rotates
logs as root, the postrotate stanza reverts ownership of /var/log/ampache
back to www-data so the webserver and subsequently ampache can write to
the needed logs. (LP: #722274)

36. By Charlie_Smotherman

Made package check the md5sum of /etc/apache2/sites-available/default for
any local changes. If changes have been made a copy is made and the
ampache alias is added to the newly created virtualhost. If no changes
are detected, the ApacheAmpache virtualhost is used instead. This should
capture any changes made by the local usr/sysadmin. Closes: #612703

35. By Charlie_Smotherman

* Made package use a VirtualHost instead of adding alias symlink to
* Added /conf/ApacheAmpache.
* Updated postinst and postrm to use a2ensite and a2dissite.
* Updated ampache.install to install ApacheAmpache into

34. By Charlie_Smotherman

Removed "for" loop in debian/ampache.postinst debian/ampache.postrm.
Thx pitti

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