
Created by James Westby and last modified
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21. By Matthias Klose

Build-depend on libxmlrpc-c++4-dev | libxmlrpc-c3-dev, xmlrpc-c 1.16.33
is not yet in oneiric. LP: #771084.

20. By Damien Raude-Morvan

* New upstream release.
* Cherry-pick some patches from upstream git to fix
  FTBFS with GCC-4.6 (Closes: #628341) :
  - 0015-Fix-scons-tests-for-xml-rpc-c-with-gcc-4.6.patch
  - 0017-Fix-compilation-warnings-with-gcc4.6.patch
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2: no changes needed.
* Create new arch:all "opennebula-sunstone" package for OpenNebula
  web GUI.

19. By Damien Raude-Morvan

* xmlrpc-c 1.16 transition:
  - d/control: Build-Depends on libxmlrpc-c++4-dev instead of
  - d/rules: Drop --no-as-needed from DEB_LDFLAGS_APPEND.
    LP: #690779.
* d/copyright: Upgrade to latest DEP-5 format.
* d/patches/ldflags_build.diff: Refreshed.
* d/patches/linking.diff: Explicit linking with libxml2 (ie. reorder LIBS).

18. By Fabrice Coutadeur

No changes upload for libxmlrpc-c3-0 transition

17. By Damien Raude-Morvan

* d/patches/ldflags_build.diff: Proposed patch from Jaime Melis to allow
  LDFLAGS setting in OpenNebula build process. Will be included in next
  upstream release.
* d/rules: Use dpkg-buildflags to get LDFLAGS.
  Set DEB_LDFLAGS_APPEND=-Wl,--no-as-needed to fix build with
  no-add-needed linker changes.
* d/patches/fortify-source.diff: Fix FTBFS when build with
* d/rules: Remove d/opennebula-node.postinst in clean target.
* d/opennebula-node.postinst.in: opennebula-node on node without libvirt
  but with xen-utils was failing as group `libvirt' does not exist.
  Thanks to Łukasz Oleś for report and patch.

16. By Damien Raude-Morvan

* d/opennebula{-node,}.{postint,postrm}: Fix puiparts failure in postrm.
  We cannot rely on adduser being present at package purge time.
  General cleanup of maintainer scripts.
* d/opennebula-common.postrm: Don't delete user opennebula
  (keep uid/gid permanently) but disable it.

15. By Damien Raude-Morvan

* d/control: move Depends on openssh-client from opennebula to
  opennebula-common (for ssh-keygen). Closes: #605110.
* Using dpkg-statoverride instead of chown for postinst.

14. By Damien Raude-Morvan

d/rules: Fix FTBFS (Closes: #605042) by using dh_listpackages to detect if
arch all packages (ie. opennebula-node) debhelper commands will act on.

13. By Damien Raude-Morvan

* New upstream release.
* d/rules: Use share/etc/init.d/one.debian as init.d script.
* Refresh all patches.
* d/{control, rules}: Allow users of cloud group to launch xm & xmtop
  from xen-utils-common (Closes: #604567):
  - Depends on libvirt-bin | xen-utils-4.0
  - Bump dependencies on sudo to (>= 1.7.2p1) for /etc/sudoers.d feature.
  - Install /etc/sudoers.d/opennebula-node (in opennebula-node package).
* d/opennebula.install: Install /var/lib/one/remotes
* d/control: Set Maintainer as Debian OpenNebula Maintainers
  and myself as Uploaders.

12. By Damien Raude-Morvan

* First upload to Debian (Closes: #500716):
  - Drop d/patches/fix_cppflags.diff: Merged upstream.
  - Drop d/*.examples: Already handled by upstream install.sh
* New upstream release (2.0).
* d/control: Add Recommends: lvm2, sudo, wget, genisoimage.
  - d/patches/genisoimage.diff: Use genisoimage instead of mkisofs.
* d/rules, d/opennebula-node.postinst.in: Handle group assignment for
  oneadmin user, libvirt (Debian) and libvirtd (Ubuntu).
* d/opennebula.{postinst,dirs}: creation of /var/lib/one/images with
  proper permissions.
* d/control: Suggests libamazonec2-ruby for Amazon EC2 access.

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