
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

10. By Scott Kitterman

kalzium-dev should only depend on libcompoundviewer4 on i386, amd64, and
powerpc since libcompoundviewer4 doesn't exist on armel

9. By Felix Geyer

No-change rebuild so translations aren't stripped from .desktop
files anymore.

8. By Jonathan Kolberg

New upstream release

7. By Scott Kitterman

Change libscience4 depends on libkdeedu-data to source:Upstream-Version to
fix installability

6. By Daniel T Chen

No-change rebuild against fixed avogadro to resolve FTBFS.
(LP: #829447)

5. By Philip Muškovac

Bump breaks/replaces on libkdeedu4 to catch 4.6.5 packages

4. By Philip Muškovac

New upstream release

3. By Philip Muškovac

* debian/control:
  - libcompoundviewer4 breaks/replaces kalzium << 4:4.6.80
  - don't build libcompoundviewer4 on armel
* remove kalzium.install.armel and add kalzium-dev.install.armel since the
  relevant files moved.

2. By Philip Muškovac

* New upstream release candidate
* Repack source to include COPYING files
* Update packaging for split source
  - add new package for libcompoundviewer and kalzium-dev

1. By Philip Muškovac

Import upstream version 4.6.90+repack

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
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