
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

14. By Stefano Rivera

* Rebuild for Python transition.
* Remove Breaks: ${python:Breaks}, no longer used by dh_python2.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no changes needed).

13. By Jelmer Vernooij

[ Stefano Rivera ]
* Don't leak uid and umask into source tarball and set -e.
* Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.1 (no changes needed).
* Enable test suites.
  - Build Depend on python-all, python-unittest2.
  - New patch: report-doctest-failure.diff: Fail on failures.
  - New patch: py27-test.diff: Convert float-comparing doctests to unit
* Wrap long lines in debian/control.
* Merge Build-Depends-Indep into Build-Depends (no arch-dependant packages).
* Switch to dh_python2
  - Use X-Python-Version (requires python-all >= 2.6.5-13~).
  - Use ${python:Breaks}.
* Update my e-mail address.
* Use DEP5 format in debian/copyright.

[ Jelmer Vernooij ]
* Properly handle triple quotes. Closes: #618349, LP: #710410
* Add myself to uploaders.

12. By Stefano Rivera

* New upstream release.
* +ds version, as release zip file contains root-level __MACOSX directory.
* Added get-orig-source rule to debian/rules

11. By Stefano Rivera

New upstream release.

10. By Stefano Rivera

[ Sandro Tosi ]
* debian/control
  - switch Vcs-Browser field to viewsvn

[ Stefano Rivera ]
* New upstream release. (Closes: 555407)
* Package under team maintenance. (Closes: 544448)
* Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (no changes needed).
* Converted to 3.0 (quilt)
* debian/rules
  - Converted to debhelper 7 overrides
  - Don't compress epydoc.js
* Patches:
  - 01_eggify.dpatch converted to eggify.diff (quilt+DEP3).
  - 02_doc_generation_fix.dpatch removed (fixed upstream)
* debain/control
  - Unversioned python-setuptools dependency (oldstable has a suitable
  - Removed unecessary XB-Python-Version.
  - Minor changes to description.
* debian/copyright
  - Updated years and added author Mark Andrews.
  - Included full license, as it isn't identical to the common-licenses one.
* debian/watch
  - Switched from sf.net to author's homepage, as redirector can't see

9. By Dan Watkins

* New upstream release.
* Adopting. (Closes: #493792)
* Switched from using CDBS to debhelper 7.
* Patches:
  + Converted 01_eggify.diff to 01_eggify.dpatch.
  + Added 02_doc_generation_fix.dpatch, which allows the documentation to
* Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.0.
* Added python-docutils to Build-Depends-Indep.

8. By Gustavo Noronha Silva


7. By Gustavo Noronha Silva

[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* Homepage field added
* Rename XS-Vcs-* fields to Vcs-* (dpkg supports them now)

[ Sandro Tosi ]
* debian/control
  - added Vcs-Browser

[ Gustavo Noronha Silva ]
* New upstream release
* debian/rules:
- configobj no longer provides an oddly-named changelog;
* debian/rules, debian/python-configobj.install:
- make sure to install all the useful stuff that now lives in
* debian/python-configobj.doc-base.api:
- fixed Section to conform to the doc-base manual specifications
* debian/control:
- updated standards version to 3.7.3
- no longer build-depend on a -1 revision for setuptools

6. By Gustavo Noronha Silva

[Gustavo Noronha Silva]
* debian/control:
- remove duplicated line from the description (Closes: #423188)
* debian/rules:
- use full-named arguments for epydoc; thanks to Cyril Brulebois
  <email address hidden> for pointing out the fix;
  (Closes: #433744)

[Piotr Ożarowski]
* New python-support handles egg's directory name correctly
* bump python-support required version
* remove mv part from debian/rules

5. By Gustavo Noronha Silva

[ Piotr Ozarowski ]
* Added XS-Vcs-Svn field

[ Gustavo Noronha Silva ]
* New upstream release
* debian/control:
- moved python-dev and python-support from build-deps-indep
  to build-deps, since they are needed to satisfy clean
- replaced python-dev with python-all-dev (>= 2.3.5-11), following
  the wiki NewPolicy documentation
- updated python-support version requirement to 0.5.3, also according
  to the NewPolicy documentation
* debian/pycompat:
- removed, according to the NewPolicy on wiki
* debian/patches/00_eggify.diff:
- updated to the new version
* debian/rules, debian/control:
- use epydoc to generate the API documentation, since it is not included
  in this release's zip file; this adds epydoc as a build-dep-indep

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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