
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

8. By Jose Calhariz <email address hidden>

* Fixes "xorp: installation fails" during new install because of missing
  directory /etc/xorp (Closes: #574218).
* Refresh quilt patch fix_ident_header that is causing a FTBFS (Closes:
* The fix for file policy/common/element.cc was moved to
  fix_invalid_cast, from libtool-rm-invalid-argument-fix.
* Create debian/README.source explaining how to edit the packages
* Set source package format as 1.0, add a rationale on why to stay 1.0
  for the near future to debian/README.source file.
* init.d depends on $remote_fs
* Disable patches debian/patches/libtool-rm-invalid-argument-fix
  debian/patches/libtecla_Makefile, not needed for building.

7. By James Westby

Fix build failure caused by two instances of "format not a string literal
and no format arguments"

6. By Jose Calhariz <email address hidden>

changed -fpic to -fPIC in cli/libtecla/configure.in and run autoconf
to solve a FTBFS on sparc (Closes: #503169)

5. By Jose Calhariz <email address hidden>

* New upstream release
  - Solved problem "xorp don't start when exist a tun interface"
  (closes: #482188)
  - Update contrib/olsr from CVS to fix building problem
* Bumped Standards-Version to 3.7.3, no needed changes.

4. By Jose Calhariz <email address hidden>

[ Javier Fernandez-Sanguino ]
* Update to latest CVS contents
* Modify debian/rules to prevent autobuilders from building
  the binary-independent components: (Closes: #441121)
  - Create a new Build-Depends-Indep with all the TeX
  components used to build documentation
  - Since autobuilders call build, which in turns calls build-indep, hack
    the debian rules file so that the documentation is only built if ps2pdf,
    dvips and pslatex are available.
* Modify the init.d script:
  - restart action: Do not attempt to stop xorp if not running
  - stop function: fix errors in the script
  - add a try-restart action
  - restructure the init.d script, move the restart code to a function
  - review the use of echo calls and exit values
* Use, as examples, the new boot files at rtrmgr/config/

[ Jose Calhariz ]
* Add depends on ncurses-dev, I don't know why xorp use tigetstr
  function from curses. This way the depends field change less between
  build environments.
* Removed pushd and popd commands from Makefile and replaced with cd
  commands, was a bashism and FTBFS (closes: #453637)
* debian/control converted to utf-8 (closes: #454026) (closes: #453485)
* init.d/xorp now returns 0 if disabled.
* Added Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Svn fields pointing to the repository of the

3. By Luca Falavigna

* debian/rules: do not use pushd/popd, not available in dash, fix FTBFS
* debian/control: update Maintainer field as per spec

2. By Javier Fernández-Sanguino

* Upload this package to the main archive (Closes: #433467)
  - Take over this WNPP and set myself as an uploader.
* Use CVS version as the 1.4 does not properly compile on unstable.
* After an audit of all the sources added more licenses and (c) to
  debian/copyright and:
   - Remove docs/tex/bnf.sty (non-free license), this style is actually
     not used to build documentation
   - Remove RFCs and RFC Drafts, also non-free and unused
* Add package maintainer scripts to add the 'xorp' user and group, it is
  needed in order to configure the system with 'xorpsh' and 'xorp_rtmgr'
  complains if it's not there. Also add a Depends: on adduser.
* Use update-rc.d in postinst.
* Add the Homepage: to source's headers as dpkg will soon support it.
* Arbitrarily increase the sleep time to 10 in order to restart the
  daemon. This value (DIETIME) can be set in /etc/default
* Many improvements to the init.d script:
    - add a status check
    - use LSB messages
    - make it test if the service is running before starting and stopping
    - merge in the changes by Jose Calhariz to use daemon (but use
      it without start-stop-daemon and remove debug output) this makes
      it possible to log stdout and stderr to proper logfiles
* Improve the package's description in debian/control
* Substitute the (complex) config.boot file provided in the sources for
  a much more simple configuration file which *only* implements
  multicast forwarding using IGMP and PIM. This should work fine
  for users with at least two network interfaces in their system.
* Make the default options add '-a' so xorpsh is only allowed
* Add a Recommends: on traceroute, iputils-ping (for ping6) and
  iputils-tracepath (for traceroute6) as those are used by xorpsh.
* Updated debian/TODO
* Write the following manpages based on upstream's documentation
    - xorp_rtrmgr.8
    - xorpsh.1
* Added a logrotate definition to rotate /var/log/xorp files. It
  will also restart the daemon after rotation.
* First disclean docs and then the main program or otherwise it will
  not work (package build fails the second time around)
* Move xorp_rtrmgr over to /usr/sbin and revert previous change to the
  init script ('root-only' commands should go there)
* Remove config.log when cleaning the package

1. By Javier Fernández-Sanguino

Import upstream version 1.5~cvs.20070824

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