
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

20. By Bhavani Shankar

* Upload to unstable.
* Merging upstream git head 20110218
* Summary of changes from the package in experimental:
  - za: remove cellc username (LP: #681287)
  - za: add support for 8.ta(Telekom)

19. By Bhavani Shankar

* Merging upstream version 20101106 from git
* Summary of upstream changes:
  - ch: add Swisscom account balance information
  - cz: update Czech operators
  - jp: add support for b-mobile (LP: #667818)
  - hk: peoples mobile now changed to china telecom
  - pc: spurious cflags bits removed
  - ph: add support for globe telecom prepaid (LP: #647579)
  - th: add TOT 3G support
  - us: fix T-Mobile APN's (LP: #611748)

18. By Bhavani Shankar

* Merging upstream version 20100930 from git
* Summary of upstream changes:
  - au: add crazy john support (LP: #599295)
  - ca: add mobilicity/Dave support
  - de: update 1und1 APN's
  - il: pelephone: fix erroneous trailing space
  - mx: remove incorrect Telcel DNS server (LP: #406696)

17. By Bhavani Shankar

* Merging upstream version 20090910 from git
* Summary of upstream changes:
  - ca: add Wind mobile broadband APN
  - us: add Verizon SID
  - af: add Afghan wireless (LP: #415203)
  - ke: add Orange Kenya and fix Econet name (LP: #619233)
  - de: add 1&1 support and fix plan names (Closes: #595198)
  - it: add CoopVoce APN and update 3 italy plan names (LP: #632300)
  - vn: add various networks like D-Com, Vinaphone, EVN-Telecom (UMTS)
    and fix MobiFone APN (LP: #631376)

16. By Bhavani Shankar

* Merging upstream version 20100824 from git
* Summary of upstream changes:
  - denmark: add CBB Mobil
  - germany: add Tchibo Mobil
  - croatia: add CARNet
  - croatia: correct vipnet 3G APN
  - australia: add Internode
  - nl: xs4all add a dummy username/password
  - uae: add du (LP: #611658)
  - me: add new T-Mobile APNs (LP: #396722)
  - pf: add Vini (LP: #344365)
  - hr: fix T-Mobile APN (LP: #525251)
  - hr: add Tele2
  - pt: add username/password for TMN (LP: #372948)

15. By Bhavani Shankar

* Merging upstream version 20100804 from git
* Summary of upstream changes:
  - build: fix .pc file CFLAGS
  - Add balance check and voicemail attributes
  - api: fix DTD comment for 'network-id'
  - dtd: add description of various items
  - austria: fix name of Drei (3) hence hopefully fix a regression
    in ubuntu
  - argentina: add old Claro APN to support N97 mini etc
  - iran: add MCI and Irancell
  - portugal: add Clix network support
* Bump up standards-version to 3.9.1 No other changes

14. By Bhavani Shankar

* Merging upstream version 20100716 from git
* Summary of upstream changes:
  - us: support old Midwest Wireless SIDs
  - us: support Mid-Rivers Cellular operator
  - us: support MTPCS/CellularOne (former Chinook Wireless) operator
  - us: support Alltel GSM roaming-only network
  - rwanda/burundi: support various operators like africell and mtn
  - hu: Pannon name changed to Telenor
  - hu: support invitel operator
  - de: fix Fonic operator APN

13. By Bhavani Shankar

* Merging upstream version 20100702 from git
* Modifying long description in debian/control
* Renaming upstream target in debian/rules to get-orig-source
* Bumping the Standards-Version to 3.9.0 No other changes

12. By Bhavani Shankar

Merging upstream version 20060616 from git

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