
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

7. By dkg

* New Upstream Release:
  - grub-mkrescue has changed, and is now arch-indep. adjust makeiso to
  - fix buggy selection of kernel and initramfs during makeiso.
  - use DEBIRF_ISO_BOOTLOADER instead of DEBIRF_ELTORITO, making way for
    other possible bootloaders (yaboot?) for makeiso subcommand.
  - add security repositories for rescue and xkiosk
  - enable extra repos to allow karmic rescue to work (closes CMRG: #108)
  - don't require partimage for rescue image on ubuntu, since it is not
    available on amd64 there (see LP 198724)
* Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (no changes needed)
* included revision number in debian/copyright for DEP5

6. By Jameson Graef Rollins <email address hidden>

* use busybox cpio in nest now that's it's been fixed (closes CMRG: #54)
* remove no longer needed install-udev module (udev installed by default)
* improve grub menu configuration (Closes: #544409)
* updated README, and makeiso checking (Closes: #554020)
* ubuntu debirf installs now default to Karmic Koala.
* redirect log out to stderr
* use more generic kernel package name to find kernel name (LP: #474739)
* formalize Debian copyright file

5. By Jameson Graef Rollins <email address hidden>

* "absolutize" BUILDD path to get around bug in getcwd in fakechroot
* update makeiso to use grub-mkrescue from the grub2 grub-pc package.
  support for using isolinux from the syslinux-common package is also
  now included (Closes: #548712).
* bumped standards version to 3.8.3 (no changes needed).
* explicitly delete root passwd

4. By dkg

[ Daniel Kahn Gillmor ]
* updated my e-mail address
* added ntfsprogs, fatresize, tofrodos, dosfstools to the rescue module
  to help recover Windows filesystems with debirf.
* added hfsprogs, hfsutils, hfsplus to the rescue module to help recover
  MacOS filesystems with debirf.
* added e2undel, recover, e2tools, reiserfstools to the rescue module to
  help recover Linux filesystems with debirf.
* added parted to rescue module for dealing with various kinds of
  partition tables.
* fixed broken sed expression in nest library search (thanks, Guido Günther)
  (Closes: #509381)
* bumped policy to 3.8.1 (no changes needed).

3. By Jameson Graef Rollins <email address hidden>

[ Daniel Kahn Gillmor ]
* fixing makeiso image name generation
* placing serial-console boot stanza in menu.lst for ISO
* debian/control: swapped Maintainer and Uploader, updated my e-mail
* xkiosk uses modern runit controls instead of explicitly symlinking

[ Jameson Graef Rollins ]
* canonicalize paths in makeiso function
* strip tailing slashes off of profile names to avoid weird problems
  with fakechroot when entering a debirf profile.
* fix kernel arch determination.
* change shebang line for all modules that call debirf_exec to
  /bin/bash, so they will work properly when /bin/sh is not /bin/bash.
  this also includes changes to enter subcommand to compensate (closes
  CMRG #99) (Closes: #508041).
* add -e to all module shebang lines as well, so all errors are properly
* fix path in fakeroot_if_needed to not include $PATH, to bypass
  problems with the path of the calling user.
* have setup_environment handle setup of DEBIRF_PROFILE variable.

2. By Jameson Graef Rollins <email address hidden>

new upstream packaging/build system. all-inclusive makefile, and
simplified debhelper rules.

1. By Jameson Graef Rollins <email address hidden>

Import upstream version 0.20

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