
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

14. By Luke Yelavich

* New upstream release
  - Fix for BGO#646403: Use correct signature in at-spi2-registryd for
  - Remove a Makefile reference to dbus-glib.

13. By Luke Yelavich

* New upstream release
  - Removed dbus-glib-related includes, as they are no longer required.

12. By Steve Langasek

debian/rules: clean the dependency_libs out of .la files at build
time, per Policy 10.2

11. By Luke Yelavich

* New upstream release
  - Fixed atspi_table_get_column_header and atspi_value_set_current_value.
  * Removed dbus-glib dependency; libatspi now includes a copy of
    dbus-gmain.c modified to fix a crash (FDO#35115). Session management
    code has been ported to gdbus.
  - Fixed a crash when deregistering a keystroke listener.
  - Reworked accessibility bus management (BGO#644851).
  - Fixed a possible sign issue with state sets.
* debian/control: Remove libdbus-1-dev build dependency as per above
* debian/patches/0001-Fix-missing-NULL-argument-to-g_strconcat.patch:
  - Dropped, applied upstream
* debian/patches/0001-gnome2.patch: Refreshed
* debian/at-spi2-core.install: Files are no longer shipped in usr/bin
* debian/libatspi2.0-dev.install: Ship pkg-config file
* debian/rules: Remove --enable-relocate configure argument, it has done
  nothing for a couple of releases now
* debian/libatspi2.0-0.shlibs: Bumped version

10. By Luke Yelavich

debian/patches/0002-gnome2.patch: Patch from the upstrea maintainer, Mike
Gorse to make at-spi2 core work better with GNOME 2 components

9. By Luke Yelavich

* New upstream release
  - Changed device event IPC to use uint32 for hw_code and modifiers, to be
    more consistent with the rest of the API.
  - GetNSelections has an out parameter, not an in.
  - Fix for BGO#643384: - atspi_register_keystroke_listener() should take a
    bitmask, not AtspiKeyListenerSyncType.
  - Avoid setting enum values to 0x80000000, to prevent a pygi exception.
  - Fix for BGO#643454: Kill the accessibility bus daemon with the GNOME
  - Fix for BGO#643110: Do not allow all users to connect to the
    accessibility bus.
* debian/patches/0001-Fix-missing-NULL-argument-to-g_strconcat.patch:
  - Patch from upstream git to fix a missing NULL argument to g_strconcat

8. By Luke Yelavich

* New upstream release
  - BGO#641164: Fixed several build errors.
  - Fixed some memory leaks and possible crashes.
  - Fixed atspi_selection_get_selected_child and
  - Fixed wrong introspection information in some places.
  - BGO#641869: Removed the --enable-relocate option.
  - Avoid returning uninitialized data on error for some methods.
  - Use the GSettings rather than GConf key to test that accessibility is
  - Change some enums from 16-bit to 32-bit to match spec.

7. By Luke Yelavich

* New upstream release
  - Fixed a crash introduced in 1.91.6.
  - atspi_accessible_get_interfaces will now explicitly return the Accessible

6. By Luke Yelavich

* New upstream release
  - Some build fixes.
  - Several updated translations.
  - Added a method to check whether an object implements the Hyperlink
  - Fixed a crash in atspi_image_get_image_description.
  - Fixed atspi_editable_text_set_text_contents.
  - More error-handling fixes.
  - Fixed a crash in atspi_event_listener_register_from-callback.
  - Method calls now time out after 1 second.
  - Added setters for component extents/size/position.
  - Added atspi-accessible_set_cache_mask.
* debian/patches/01_add-to-potfiles-in.patch: Dropped, applied upstream
* debian/rules: Remove custom code to install headers, the upstream build
  does this now

5. By Luke Yelavich

* New upstream release
  - Fixed several memory leaks.
  - Fixed some text methods, methods that return points or rectangles,
    image locale and description, atspi-accessible_get_description, and some
    table methods.
  - Added a trailing colon for focus events.
  - Set the error parameter for dbus errors rather than displaying a warning.
  - Fixed the keystroke listener deregister method.
  - The cache is now updated before raising an event, not after, so that event
    handlers that query for cached values will see the updated data.
  - The registry daemon now returns an error when a caller requests a property
    that the desktop does not support.
  - Added disposal of objects, and fixed several associated bugs.
  - Added i18n.
  - Fixed mouse events.
  - Libatspi's documentation is now compiled with gtk-doc.
  - Fixed building from a separate build directory.
  - use peer-to-peer connections when available.
  - Fix uninitialized variable in get_index_in_parent.
  - Add timeout, and support inspecting our own app.
  - Add get_interfaces, and fetch interface and state set over the wire if
  - Avoid adding data for an accessible twice if it is referenced prior to an
  - AddAccessible signal being received.
  - Fix copying of any_data for an event.
  - at-spi-registryd returns ChildCount as a variant, per the DBus spec.
  - Hypertext, hyperlink, and table fixes.
  - Several cache-related fixes.
  - Change some error return values to match AT-SPI-CORBA behavior.
  - Some attribute-related fixes.
  - Renamed 'text' to 'content' in AtspiTextRange to match original IDL.
  - Added a C-based AT-side binding (libatspi) which can be used in
    conjunction with GObject introspection to generate bindings for other
    languages. However, this release has many bugs and is more of a
    development snapshot than a usable release.
* debian/copyright: Updated
* debian/control: Add the following packages to Build-Depends:
  - libgirepository1.0-dev,
  - gtk-doc-tools (>= 1.09),
  - gobject-introspection
  - gir1.2-glib-2.0
* debian/rules: Add override for dh_auto_test as the dbtest check requires
  a running dbus, which is not available in build chroots
* debian/patches/01_add-to-potfiles-in.patch: Add some c files to POTFILES.in
  that were missed in the last release, patch sent upstream
* Add gir1.2-atspi-2.0 package for gobject introspection
* Add libatspi2.0 packages for the shared library, and header files
* Manually copy header files needed for building against libatspi2 for now,
  the headers will be properly installed by the package in a future release
* Build with --enable-introspection

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