Merge lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/maverick/ec2-api-tools/maverick-201009211812 into lp:ubuntu/maverick/ec2-api-tools

Proposed by James Westby
Status: Work in progress
Proposed branch: lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/maverick/ec2-api-tools/maverick-201009211812
Merge into: lp:ubuntu/maverick/ec2-api-tools
Diff against target: 45 lines (+38/-0) (has conflicts)
1 file modified
debian/README.source (+38/-0)
Conflict adding file debian/README.source.  Moved existing file to debian/README.source.moved.
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/maverick/ec2-api-tools/maverick-201009211812

Description of the change

The package history in the archive and the history in the bzr branch differ. As the archive is authoritative the history of lp:ubuntu/maverick/ec2-api-tools now reflects that and the old bzr branch has been pushed to lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/maverick/ec2-api-tools/maverick-201009211812. A merge should be performed if necessary.

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Unmerged revisions

19. By Scott Moser

releasing version 1.3.57419-0ubuntu1

18. By Scott Moser

add debian/README.source

17. By Scott Moser

refresh ubuntu-fix-paths.patch for 1.3.57419

16. By Scott Moser

refresh ubuntu-do-not-require-java-home and make it first in series

15. By Scott Moser

New upstream release. original import.

Preview Diff

[H/L] Next/Prev Comment, [J/K] Next/Prev File, [N/P] Next/Prev Hunk
1=== added file 'debian/README.source'
2--- debian/README.source 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
3+++ debian/README.source 2010-09-21 18:17:58 +0000
4@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
5+=== General Info ===
6+Development packaging branch is at
7+ lp:~ubuntu-on-ec2/ubuntu/ec2-api-tools/<suite>
9+The package uses quilt, but not quilt 3.0. Patches are unapplied in the
10+source directory.
12+=== To upgrade to new zip file from amazon ===
14+bzr branch lp:ubuntu/ec2-api-tools/<suite>
16+cd maverick
17+out=$(./debian/upstream-check ec2-api-tools)
18+set -- ${out}
19+newzip=${1}; date=${2}; size=${3}
21+(cd .. && wget "${url}/${newzip}")
22+ver=${newzip#ec2-api-tools-}; ver=${}
23+ver=$(echo "${ver}" | tr '-' '.')
25+bzr merge-upstream ../${newzip} --version ${ver}
27+# update 'debian/ubuntu-fix-paths.patch' patch
29+while [ "$(quilt next)" != "${p}" ]; do quilt push; done
30+quilt header ${p} > header
31+quilt del ${p}
32+quilt new ${p}
33+printf '#!/bin/sh\ncat header > "$1"\n' > xed
34+chmod 755 xed
35+EDITOR="$PWD/xed" quilt header -e
36+files=$(ls bin/* | egrep -v "([.]cmd|ec2-cmd|~[0-9]~)$")
37+quilt add ${files}
38+sed -i -e 's,^#!/usr/bin/env bash,#!/bin/sh,' -e '/^EC2_HOME=/d' \
39+ -e 's,.*/ec2-cmd \([^ ]*\) ,ec2-cmd \1 ,' ${files}
40+quilt refresh
41+rm header xed
42+bzr commit -m "refresh ${p} for ${ver}" debian/patches/${p}
44=== renamed file 'debian/README.source' => 'debian/README.source.moved'
45=== modified file 'debian/upstream-check' (properties changed: -x to +x)


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