
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

53. By Mahyuddin Susanto

* SECURITY UPDATE: Fix DoS because of incorrect code in src/http_auth.c:67
  (LP: #906792)
  - debian/patches/CVE-2011-4362.patch: patch derived from upstream
  - CVE-2011-4362

52. By Chuck Short

debian/control: Rebuild for libmysqlclient transition.

51. By Andres Rodriguez

debian/lighttpd.conf: Comment 'use-ipv6.pl' by default, which causes
failure to bind port in ipv4 (LP: #551211)

50. By Andres Rodriguez

* Merge from debian unstable (LP: #407722). Remaining changes:
  - debian/control: libgamin-dev rather than libfam-dev to fix startup
  - debian/init.d: clean environment; Check syntax during start/reload
  - debian/index.html: s/Debian/Ubuntu/g branding on the default page.
  - Added a UFW profile set:
    + debian/lighttpd.dirs: added etc/ufw/applications.d
    + debian/rules: install the ufw profile.
    + debian/control: Suggests on ufw.
  - Add lighttpd-dev package:
    + debian/control: Added lighttpd-dev package; Build-depends on
      automake, libtool
    + debian/lighttpd-dev.install: Added.
* debian/control: debhelper Build-depends bumped to (>= 7.0.50) for
  overrides in rules file.
* debian/rules:
  - Add override_dh_installinit to set "defaults 91 09" to not start
    before apache2 but in the same runlevel with the same priority.
* debian/patches/build-dev-package.patch: Updated
* Also closes: (LP: #521659, LP: #523682)

49. By João Pinto

Fix FTBFS, replaced automake with automake1.10 on Build-Depends
(LP #447672)

48. By Daniel Hahler

debian/lighttpd.logrotate: check if lighttpd is running, before
calling reload, which would start the daemon if it is not running
currently (LP: #393792)

47. By Morten Kjeldgaard

* Introduce patches to introduce a -dev package for lighttpd. Closes
  (LP: #326899). Should merge seamlessly in the future.

[ Andreas Moog ]
* debian/control
  - add lighttpd-dev package
* debian/patches
  - add build-dev-package.patch to include pkg-config files for lighttpd
* debian/
  - add lighttpd-dev.install

[ Morten Kjeldgaard ]
* debian/rules: add DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_* variables to ensure autotool
  files get updated with our patches.
* Minor cleanups and update Andreas' patches to version 1.4.22.

46. By Andres Rodriguez

* Merge from debian unstable (LP: #384367), remaining changes:
  - debian/control: Depend on lsb (>= 3.2-14), which has the status_of_proc()
    function; libgamin-dev rather than libfam-dev to fix startup warning.
  - debian/init.d: Add the 'status' action, clean environment; Check syntax
    during start/reload/restart/force-reload.
  - debian/rules: set DEB_UPDATE_RCD_PARAMS to "defaults 91 09" to not start
    lighty before apache2 but in the same runlevel with the same priority;
    Make sure that upgrades succeed, even if we can't restart lighttpd.
  - debian/index.html: s/Debian/Ubuntu/g branding on the default page.
  - Added a UFW profile set:
    + debian/lighttpd.dirs: added etc/ufw/applications.d
    + debian/rules: install the ufw profile.
    + debian/control: Suggests on ufw.
* debian/patches/fix-conf-doc.patch: Update headers to match package version

45. By Daniel Hahler

* debian/index.html: do not point to edge.launchpad.net
  (LP: #302845)
* Fix documentation reference to virtual hosting by referring
  to mod_simple_vhost (LP: #247271)
  - debian/patches/fix-conf-doc.patch

44. By Daniel Hahler

Finally provide what ~ubuntu3 should have been already, fixing
another shell script error (LP: #329595)

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