
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

44. By Ken VanDine

releasing version 2.30.3-0ubuntu2

43. By Ken VanDine

releasing version 2.30.3-0ubuntu1

42. By Ken VanDine

* debian/patches/lp_653225.patch
  - Don't try to store the locale and reset it after parsing the
    timestamp, this was causing a failure to retrieve any messages
    for anyone with a locale set without encoding. For example en_IN
    instead of en_IN.UTF-8 which seems to be pretty common (LP: #653225)

41. By Ken VanDine

* debian/patches/refresh_timer.patch
  - Ensure there is always only one refresh timer (LP: #595265)
  - This will help alleviate some of the load we place on facebook and
    help us get under our allocation. It should also fix a number of
    crashers that are hard to reproduce.

40. By Ken VanDine

 * New upstream release
  - Port twitter service to OAuth, basic auth is no longer
    supported (LP: #627565)
  - Remove the tr.im urlshortener, the service is closed (LP: #583316)
  - Better handling of unexpect results from twitter and
    identi.ca (LP: #613420)
  - Better handling of error responses from twitter, should log more
    and traceback less (LP: #613420)
* debian/gwibber-service.install
  - Install files needed for twitter oauth
* debian/control
  - Added build dep for python-oauth, twitter now uses it

39. By Ken VanDine

releasing version 2.30.1-0ubuntu1

38. By Ken VanDine

* debian/patches/lp_569543.patch
  - Don't allow people to click "Add" before we have enough information
    from facebook to add the account (LP: #569543)

37. By Ken VanDine

* debian/patches/handle_facebook_keyring.patch
  - Handle prompting the user to authorize gwibber to use facebook in cases
    where the account was synced and there is no local key stored in the
    keyring (LP: #571224)
* debian/patches/dont_spawn_multiple_accounts_dialogs.patch
  - Don't fire gwibber-accounts for each failure, only spawn it
    once (LP: #564741)

36. By Ken VanDine

* New upstream release
  - Fixed account creation for accounts previously deleted (LP: #535263)
  - Fixed support for Qaiku (LP: #342536) (LP: #544129)
  - Fixed identi.ca search URL

35. By Ken VanDine

* New upstream release
  - gwibber crashed with KeyError in action() (LP: #520492)
  - Strings in the side panel are not translatable (LP: #538981)
  - Strings in the *mako templates are not translatable (LP: #538987)
  - gwibber crashed with AttributeError in action() (LP: #444654)

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