
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

68. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream version
* debian/patches/99_autoconf.patch:
  - new version update

67. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream version:
  - gnome-volume-control
  + bug 599663 - make changing the volume unmute (lp: #460390)
  + bug 606325 - show unamplified volume on outputs as well
  + bug 606914 - applet should not set volume on startup (lp: #498550)
  + bug 598921 - handle the last input source being removed
  + bug 605694 - fix GvcChannelMap leak (lp: #485923)
  + bug 607681 - set default scroll-wheel delta to 5% (lp: #358131)
  + other misc fixes
  - gstreamer-profiles:
  + bug 524364 - libglade -> gtkbuilder (lp: #508227)
  - general
  + bug 609933 - fix linking with pedantic linkers
  + bug 101811 - remove unnecessary markup from glade message
  - added/updated translations
* debian/control.in:
  - build-depends on libgladeui-1-dev and not on libglade2-dev
* debian/gnome-media-common.install,
  - new version update

66. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/patches/08_no_session_autostart.patch:
  - don't autostart the mixer applet under GNOME since we use the
    indicator-sound control now

65. By Martin Pitt

Add 02_delay_autostart.patch: Delay applet startup by two seconds, so that
pulseaudio has started up enough to avoid starting it a second time
through autospawn.

64. By Luke Yelavich

* New upstream release
* Dropped patches, applied upstream:
  - debian/patches/07_make-save-as-default-option.patch:
  - debian/patches/08_fix_wrong-behavior-on-cancel.patch:
* debian/patches/99_autoconf.patch: Refreshed

63. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/patches/07_make-save-as-default-option.patch:
  - default to save as in the saving dialog, thank Alexey Fisher (lp: #433207)
* debian/patches/08_fix_wrong-behavior-on-cancel.patch:
  - don't close the software when cancel is used on the saving dialog,
    thank Alexey Fisher (lp: #432395)

62. By Sebastien Bacher

* Sync on Debian
* debian/gnome-volume-control, debian/gnome-media-common.install,
  debian/gnome-media.install, debian/gnome-media.dirs:
  - don't use Debian changes to build different versions
* debian/control.in:
  - Build-Depends on liblaunchpad-integration-dev
* debian/patches/01_lpi.patch:
  - launchpad-integration
* debian/patches/03_menu_changes.patch:
  - change for default menu simplication
* debian/patches/05_mixer_noprefs.patch:
  - update menu category
* debian/patches/06_track_capture_toggle.patch:
  - Make record toggles for capture tracks correctly set on startup
* debian/patches/10_applet_tryexec.patch:
  - don't use this debian change since we build the upstream version
* debian/rules:
  - don't use debian hacks to build multiple versions
  - use --disable-scrollkeeper
* debian/watch:
  - watch unstable serie

61. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream version:
  - Fix problems with the mute status when using the applet (lp: #413116)
  - Make output volume go up to 150% in the dialogue
  - Fix reversed labels for Rear/Front
* debian/patches/99_autoconf.patch:
  - new version update

60. By Luke Yelavich

* New upstream release
  - gnome-volume-control
    + Fix crash when switching profiles too quickly
    + Default to 100% volume for the event sounds, not 0%
* debian/patches/99_autoconf.patch: Refreshed

59. By Luke Yelavich

* New upstream release
  - gnome-volume-control
    + Fix warnings when a volume changes, and the
      stream doesn't have a UI
    + Fix crash when the default sink goes away
    + Fix receiving multiple events when a volume bar is changed
    + Fix the output volume bar becoming unsensitive when the
      selected output goes away
    + Don't change PulseAudio's volume when we receive events
      from PulseAudio
    + Only change PulseAudio's volume if the volume hasn't already
      been set to that value
    + Differentiate the various mixer controls in PulseAudio's
  - gst-mixer
    + Fix a crash in gnome_volume_control_element_whitelist()
* debian/patches/99_autoconf.patch: Refreshed

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Branch format 7
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