
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

9. By Colin Watson

Configure with --no-install-acpi, removing acpi-support integration.
We've used pm-utils for some time now (LP: #366119).

8. By David Paleino

* debian/config, debian/templates updated:
  - only show users to add to netdev, skip those who are already
    members (Closes: #534138)
  - gracefully handle upgrades from previous broken versions, where
    debconf set a value of ${default} for wicd/users
    (Closes: #532112)

7. By David Paleino

* debian/patches/:
  - 08-fix_GetIP.patch added, thanks to Giuseppe Martino
    (Closes: #519433)
  - 09-fix_wire_plugging_detection.patch, added, thanks to Giuseppe
    Martino (Closes: #503738)
* debian/control:
  - Standards-Version bumped to 3.8.1:
    + debian/init fixed, /var/run/wicd created on init.d script
    start, since /var/run may be mounted as a temporary filesystem

6. By David Paleino

* New upstream release:
  - Fixed security hole in DBus configuration file
  - Fixed the TTLS template
* debian/patches/:
  - 05-fix_DBus_policy.patch added, allow only members of the netdev
    group to configure wicd (Closes: #512160)
* debian/postinst: add group "netdev", which will be the only one able
  to configure wicd
* debian/control: added dependency on adduser
* debian/NEWS.Debian and debian/docs added, explain the new permissions

5. By David Paleino

* New upstream release
* debian/control:
  - DM-Upload-Allowed set (ACKed by Bernd Zeimetz)

4. By David Paleino

[ David Paleino ]
* debian/rules:
  - passing --lib to configure, moving files in /usr/share/wicd
    (Closes: #510461)
  - also removing other/55wicd in clean target
  - binary-arch target emptied, not using it
* debian/prerm removed:
* debian/postinst updated:
* debian/postrm updated:
  - fix double-{starting,stopping} of wicd
  - forcibly reload dbus upon installation or removal
* debian/default added.
* debian/init updated:
  - allow to disable the daemon in /etc/default/wicd.

[ Bernd Zeimetz ]
* debian/rules:
  - run dh_pysupport before dh_installinit, so Python modules will be
    compiled before the daemon starts (Closes: #510457)
  - call setup.py configure and install with appropriate options, so the
    modules are installed in the private module directory properly
    (Closes: #510462).
* debian/patches/04-fix-scripts.patch:
  - set PYTHONPATH while executing script so Python will find them
    in the private directory (Closes: #510308)

3. By David Paleino

* New upstream release (Closes: #503737)
* debian/control:
  - added some runtime dependencies (not really, but used by most
    users) to wicd (Closes: #503739)
  - added Conflicts: network-manager (Closes: #509051)
  - added Suggests on pm-utils, since we now also have those
  - update Vcs-* and Maintainer fields to reflect injection into
* debian/postrm added:
  - removes runtime-generated files (Closes: #503747)
* debian/patches:
  - 02-fix_logfile_perms.patch added, sets permissions of
    /var/log/wicd/wicd.log to root:adm (Closes: #503749)
  - 03-fix_lintian_manpage_warning.patch added, gives a more
    meaningful whatis entry
* debian/rules:
  - get-orig-source target to ease upstream tarball fetch
  - ensure right permissions are set in install target
  - using dh7-style rules
* debian/README.source added
* debian/docs removed
* debian/copyright fixed:
  - added copyright year to in/man*
  - removed useless escaping of '=' in filenames
  - fixed pointer to GPL-2

2. By David Paleino

Initial release (Closes: #465870)

1. By David Paleino

Import upstream version 1.5.2

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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