
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
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Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

9. By Michael Bienia

* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
  - Python 2.6 transition
    + debian/rules: don't overwrite the default DEB_PYTHON_INSTALL_ARGS_ALL

8. By Michael Bienia

* Python 2.6 transition (lp: #336798).
  + debian/rules: don't overwrite the default DEB_PYTHON_INSTALL_ARGS_ALL

7. By Cyril Brulebois <email address hidden>

[ Sandro Tosi ]
* debian/control:
   - Uniformize Vcs-Browser field.

[ Cyril Brulebois ]
* New upstream release.
* debian/copyright:
   - Update copyright years.
   - Add full licensing terms for doc/examples/miles_dat.txt.gz
   - Uniformize indentation, add some blank lines to ease reading.
* No longer repack:
   - Not needed, since the license of miles.dat has been sorted out.
   - Drop README.Debian accordingly.
   - Drop version mangling in the watch file accordingly.
   - Drop no longer needed DEB_REAL_UPSTREAM_VERSION variable, and
     use DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION instead.
* Ship doc/examples/miles.dat.gz:
   - Add patch to ship it (upstream uses a wildcard on “*.dat” only,
     adding a wildcard on “*.txt.gz”): 10_ship_examples_miles.dat
   - Build-Depends: Add quilt accordingly.
   - debian/rules: Add quilt include accordingly.
* Graphviz transition:
   - Build-Depends: Replace libgraphviz3-dev with libgraphviz-dev
     (the development package is no longer versioned).
   - Depends: Bump the versioned dependency from >= 2.12 to >= 2.16.

6. By Andrea Colangelo

* Rebuild for libgraphviz3 -> libgraphviz4 transition (LP: #196290).
* debian/control: change build-dep on libgraphviz3-dev to libgraphviz-dev
* Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField

5. By Cyril Brulebois <email address hidden>

* New upstream release.
* Repack since an example is not DFSG-free: freely distributable but no
  modifications are allowed.
* Dropped patches (two backports and a patch included upstream):
   + 1_SEGV_backported_fix_r590.diff
   + 2_pkg-config_backported_fix_r605.diff
   + 3_setup.cfg_rpath.diff
* debian/rules:
   + Commented out the simple-patchsys.mk include accordingly (left there
     until the next need for patches).
   + Dropped DEFAULT_PYTHON, which was used when python-support was still
     unable to handle eggs properly.
     handle the '.dfsg' suffix, due to the repack, since cdbs handles
     DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION on its own.
   + Dropped DEB_COMPRESS_EXCLUDE since now pygraphviz can handle compressed
     data, and since the example file is the one being removed.
* debian/watch:
   + Updated, with the addition pygraphviz/ directory.

4. By Cyril Brulebois <email address hidden>

* Backported fix (debian/patches/2_pkg-config_backported_fix_r605.diff) from
  r605 since 0.35 is late. Fixed FTBFS with graphviz 2.12, for which the
  output of `pkg-config' changed (no more `-L...'), which pygraphviz didn't
  support (Closes: #423821).
* Rebuild against graphviz 2.12 (Closes: #425864).
* Urgency set to `high' since 2 RC bugs are addressed.
* Build-Depends on libgraphviz3-dev instead of graphviz-dev, and Depends on
  graphviz (>= 2.12) since now it is no longer automatically added to the
  Depends, and since commandline tools are used.
* Deleted overrides about the rpath, since graphviz no longer uses it.
* Deleted debian/TODO since this achieves the transition from graphviz 2.8
  to 2.12.
* Bumped B-D on python-support from 0.5.3 to 0.6.4, since the later is the
  first one to support an appropriate handling of egg directories.
* Added 3_setup.cfg_rpath.diff to handle the removal of the default

3. By Cyril Brulebois <email address hidden>

* New upstream release, including:
   - more tests are available;
   - use threads and temporary files for multiplatform nonblocking IO;
   - django example.
* Added the Debian Python Modules Team to the Uploaders so that the
  maintenance of the package is ensured.
* Replaced graphviz by ${shlibs:Depends} in the Depends line.
* Updated watch file to match the new upstream download area.
* debian/rules [mostly patch management]:
   - added doc relocation, extraneous license deletion, and Readme.txt to
     README renaming;
   - dropped the appropriate patch accordingly;
   - added a backported patch to fix a SEGV with python2.5 on 64-bit arch,
     from upstream revision r590: 1_SEGV_backported_fix_r590.diff;
   - added the exec permission to all examples, until upstream fixes it.
* Preparation for graphviz 2.12:
   - added TODO(.Debian) to cover some items needing attention when
     migrating to graphviz 2.12.
* Python egg:
   - added the --single-version-externally-managed option to
     DEB_PYTHON_INSTALL_ARGS_ALL so that egg-info directories are installed;
   - set DEB_PYTHON_SETUP_CMD to setup_egg.py instead of setup.py, so that
     this option is handled appropriately;
   - hack a bit with a copy+removal of the egg dirs since python-support
     seems not to move them on its own;
   - added a build dependency on python-setuptools and pkg-config
* Add XS-Vcs-Svn and XS-Vcs-Browser fields in the control file.
* Updated lintian override for python2.5.
* Adjusted copyright years in debian/copyright.

2. By Cyril Brulebois <email address hidden>

* Moved .so file where it belongs (/usr/lib instead of /usr/share), that has
  nothing to do with byte-compilation.
* Adjusted lintian-overrides file accordingly (the RPATH is needed due to
  #360968, #312533, and #343476).

1. By Cyril Brulebois <email address hidden>

Import upstream version 0.33

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