
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

17. By Jo Shields

* New upstream release
* debian/control:
  + Fix Vcs-* fields
  + Bump to standards version 3.8.1
* debian/IKVM.OpenJDK.ClassLibrary.dll.config:
  + Renamed to IKVM.OpenJDK.Core.dll.config
* debian/ikvm.pc.in:
  + Pull in the whole family of OpenJDK references, since the ClassLibrary
    assembly has been split into pieces, but those pieces all interdepend
* debian/rules:
  + Ensure CLI policy folder is actually used for get-orig-source
  + Stop deleting JniInterface.cs
  + Build refemit before ikvmc
  + Add new libraries to messy bootstrapping procedure
  + Update API/ABI version
* debian/ikvm.installcligac:
  + Update list of assemblies
* debian/patches/01-use_system_SharpZipLib.patch,
  + Update for new release
* debian/patches/02-use_ikvm-key_for_openJDKConfiguration.patch,
  + Removed, fixed upstream
* debian/patches/05-produce-rmi-at-compile-time.patch:
  + Patch from upstream to drop the .class files bundled in their
    OpenJDK source release - huge thanks to Jeroen Frijters for sorting
    this out

16. By Iain Lane

[ Mirco Bauer ]
* Upload to unstable.

[ Iain Lane ]
* Parse the version number from the changelog instead of using uscan -
  buildds do not have internet access.
* Call dh_prep instead of dh_clean -k (lintian)

15. By Iain Lane

* Parse the version number from the changelog instead of using uscan -
 buildds do not have internet access. (LP: #316508).
* Call dh_prep instead of dh_clean -k (lintian)

14. By Jo Shields

[ Jo Shields ]
* Package adopted by Debian CLI Libraries Team. (Closes: #466336)
* New upstream release, based on GNU Classpath 0.95 and OpenJDK 6b12
* Repackaged - uses completely generated .orig, see README.source
* Updated build-deps for the Mono 2.0 transition.
* Group Policy:
  + get-orig-source target in debian/rules
* Signed using Mono key - it causes an ABI breakage for now, but it's an
  improvement on the randomly generated keys used previously, as it means
  ABI breakage is no longer guaranteed between compiles. (Closes: #484125)
* Use correct path in ikvm.pc file. (Closes: #504529)
* Ensure that Configuration.java uses the ikvm-key configured for the build,
  not a hard-coded value. (Closes: #337414)

[ David Paleino ]
* debian/compat bumped to 7

[ Mirco Bauer ]
* debian/control:
  + Added Homepage, Vcs-Svn and Vcs-Browser fields.
  + Enhanced short and long package descriptions.
  + Changed Section from devel to interpreters, as this is mainly a runtime
    and not a development tool.
  + Bumped cli-common-dev build-dep to >= 0.5.7 as we need dh_clistrip and
    dh_clixfixperms of it.
* debian/rules:
 + Fixed order of dh_* calls.
 + Added dh_clistrip and dh_clifixperms calls.
 + Removed unneeded chmod calls (as dh_clifixperms takes now care).
 + Replaced hardcoded mono calls with DEB_CLI_RUNTIME variable.
* debian/rules
 + Added missing dll-maps for libikvm-native.so invocation.

13. By Emanuele Gentili

* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining changes: (LP: #229097)
  - debian/rules:
    + Call dh_makeclilibs.
  - debian/control:
    + Update maintainer field.

12. By Michele Angrisano <email address hidden>

* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining changes:
  - debian/rules:
    + Call dh_makeclilibs.
  - debian/control:
    + Update maintainer field.

11. By Steve Kowalik

* Merge from Debian unstable.
* Remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - Call dh_makeclilibs
  - Modify Maintainer field as per spec.
* Ubuntu changes dropped:
  - Replace ecj-bootstrap-gcj with ecj-gcj in the Build-Depends.

10. By Steve Kowalik

* Merge from Debian unstable.
* Remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - Call dh_makeclilibs
* Ubuntu changes dropped:
  - Call dh_clideps with the correct MONO_GAC_PREFIX to fix FTBFS
* Replace ecj-bootstrap-gcj with ecj-gcj in the Build-Depends.
* Modify Maintainer field as per spec.

9. By Sebastian Dröge

* Sync with Debian
* debian/rules:
  + Call dh_makeclilibs
  + Call dh_clideps with the correct MONO_GAC_PREFIX to fix FTBFS

8. By Sebastian Dröge

Change cli-common build dependency to cli-common-dev to fix FTBFS

Branch metadata

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