
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

24. By Andreas Moog

* SECURITY UPDATE: Incomplete escaping in filenames allows remote attackers
  to conduct argument injection attacks into a command via a crafted
  filename. (LP: #396807)
  - src/DownloadListCtrl.cpp sanitises the downloaded filenames but does
    not escape ticks in filenames correctly.
  - http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=525078
  - Patch by Sam Hocevar
  - CVE-2009-1440

23. By Stefan Ebner

* Merge from Debian Experimental (LP: #260471) Remaining Changes:
  - Add a replaces for amule on amule-common

22. By Emilio Pozuelo Monfort

* Sync with Debian.
* Add a replaces for amule on amule-common.
* Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField

21. By Festor Wailon Dacoba <email address hidden>

* New svn snapshot from 20080525 tarball, renamed debian/
  to debian-upstream/. LP: #234807
* From Mantis Bug Tracker:
  - Fixed 0001313: broken log view
  - Fixed 0001296: 100% of CPU used by amuleweb
  - Fixed 0001289: amule fails to build on non glibc systems (e.g. uclibc)
  - Fixed 0001267: Shared files priority don't get updated on amulegui
  - Fixed 0001266: aMule SVN fails when enabling GeoIP with
    LDFLAGS="--as-needed" [PATCH]
  - Other minor fixes
* debian/copyright
  - Upstream SVN repository doesn't seem to be public, note in
    debian/copyright the URL this tarball was obtained
    from. (from debian package)
* debian/patches:
  - fixed_spanish_translation.diff
    Removed, fixed upstream.
  - configure_ignore_gdlib-config_garbage.diff
    Updated regard to changes in the upstream.
* debian/control:
  - Require libupnp3 for uPnP support (LP: #201624) (LP: #214660)
  - Removed old XS-VCS-Bzr link, added Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser
    (from debian package)
* debian/TODO:
  - Added new task

20. By Paul Schorfheide <email address hidden>

Fix Spanish translation bug, original patch from Festor Wailon Dacoba.
(LP: #204600)

19. By Emilio Pozuelo Monfort

* debian/amule-daemon.init:
  - Apply the fix from Debian #461774, fixes amule-daemon not stopping
    sanely. LP: #205065.
* debian/control:
  - Do not build-depend on libupnp-dev as the headers needed are shipped
    by upstream and not used from the system, and make amule depend on
    libupnp2 as it uses dlopen() to call the library.
    Changes taken from the Debian package, thanks to Adeodato Simó
    for letting me know about this.

18. By Emilio Pozuelo Monfort

* debian/amule-common.install:
  - Install the skins for the monolithic client.
* debian/control:
  - Build-Depend on libupnp-dev
* debian/rules:
  - Enable uPnP support. LP: #201624, FeatureFreeze exception
    is LP: #204928.
* debian/patches/removing_SVN_warning_window.diff,
  - Don't show the new version dialog when starting aMule for the first
    time, as it shows a big warning due to this being a svn snapshot.
    We (and upstream) consider this stable as to ship it. LP: #197332.
    Thanks to Festor Wailon Dacoba for the patch.

17. By Emilio Pozuelo Monfort

* New svn snapshot from 20080218 tarball, renamed debian/ to
  FeatureFreeze exception: LP: #192156.
  The 2.2.0 isn't released yet because of build failures in MacOS X,
  but is stable enough and recommended by upstream.
  LP: #40238, #112745, #65496, #123695, #192781.

* debian/patches/cas_configfile.c_good_default_paths.diff:
  - Updated for the new release.
* debian/patches/wx-2.8.diff,
  - Removed, fixed upstream.
* debian/patches/nodes-url.diff:
  - Removed, as upstream uses now a different server list.
* debian/patches/series:
  - Updated accordingly.
* debian/control:
  - Require libcrypto++-dev >= 5.5.2-1, as aMule now checks for crypopp
    instead of crypto++, and 5.5.2-1 added the necessary symlinks.
    Otherwise aMule FTBFS.
  - Build-depend on libgeoip-dev to get geoip support.
  - Require debhelper >= 5.0.51 to have dh_icons.
  - Moved homepage to the Homepage field.
  - Updated Standards-Version to 3.7.3. No changes needed.
* debian/mans/amulegui.1:
  - Removed, as it's shipped upstream now.
* debian/amule-utils-gui.manpages:
  - Ship amulegui.*1 manpages from upstream, and stop shipping
* debian/rules:
  - Stop manually installing amulegui.desktop and amulegui.xpm.
    It's now done upstream.
  - No need to symlink debian/amule.xpm to debian/amule-32.xpm and
    remove it in clean. Let's rename amule-32.xpm to amule.xpm instead.
  - Build with geoip support.
  - Call dh_icons and dh_desktop.
  - Explicitly install debian/amule.xpm, as upstream's amule.xpm isn't
    menu-policy compliant (32x32 vs 128x128).
* debian/amule-32.xpm, debian/amule.xpm:
  - Renamed debian/amule-32.xpm as debian/amule.xpm.
* debian/amulegui.desktop:
  - Removed, it's included upstream now.

16. By John Dong

nodes-url.diff: Replace broken nodes.dat URL (LP: #183929)

15. By Evan

* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
  - Continue to build against wxwidgets2.8
  - Use the updated Maintainer field

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