
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
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Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

17. By Andrea Veri

* debian/control:
  - Bumping Standards-Versions to 3.7.3. No changes needed.
  - added a depend on python-notify needed by the new gnome-btdownload
    upstream release. (Closes: #453948)
* debian/gnome-btdownload.menu:
  - added a sub-section. Now menu entry will point to Apps/Net/File Transfer.

16. By Andrea Veri

* New upstream release.
* debian/patches/01_desktop-file_cleanup:
  - desktop entry name has been changed to something more
    compliant to Gnome HIG. (Closes: #452453)
* debian/gnome-btdownload.menu:
  - menu title changed matching the one used previously for the
    new desktop entry name.
  - adjusted the icon path to point to the new shipped download.svg file
* config.sub, config.guess:
  - both updated using the examples provided by the autotools-dev package.
    Lintian won't complain about old config.* files in the upstream tree
* debian/copyright:
  - the new download.svg icon is shipped by upstream under the GPL-2.
    Adjusting debian/copyright with new copyright holders and with
    references to the GPL-2 license.
* debian/rules:
  - upstream finally ships a download.svg file (instead of a .png),
    adjusting the dh_link to match this change. (gnome-btdownload
    will be able to run again without errors at startup)
* debian/watch:
  - updated to match the new upstream's tarball name change.
  - renamed it to watch.disabled. Actually the watch file
    would work fine but seems that upstream has a strange idea
    of making releases and used a debian versioning when naming
    the orig.tarball itself. (e.g gnome-btdownload_0.0.30-1.tar.gz)
    Uscan users will have to manually specify the watch file to be
    used until upstream will restart doing things properly.
* debian/control:
  - homepage moved to its own new field.
  - added a Vcs-Bzr that points directly to the branch where
    gnome-btdownload is maintained.

15. By Andrea Veri

* gnome-btdownload.menu:
  - Adding (finally) a new menu entry that will magically
    appear inside Debian/Applications/Net Menu. (Closes: #407753)
* debian/rules:
  - added a run to intltoolize to prevent a FTBFS when building the
    package after a re-run of any autotools.(aclocal, auto*)
  - added cdbs includes for autotools and dpatch support.
  - added a link, using dh_link, that will fix an odd error
    when launching gnome-btdownload after changing the icon dir
    from the default destination dir to /usr/share/pixmaps. The link
    will work-around the error making gnome-btdownload happy again.
  - removing simple-patchsys cdbs include, it's not needed and cause
    some problems at clean run. Will use dpatch support from now on.
* debian/control:
  - added dpatch B-D supporting the inclusion of a new patch.
* debian/patches:
  - added 01_desktop-file_cleanup patch that will make the .desktop
    file freedesktop compliant with some other minor fixes to adjust
    it to the new icon's destination dir moved to /usr/share/pixmaps.
* configure.ac:
  - added AC_SUBST([MKDIR_P]) to prevent a FTBFS when building the package
    after an autotools run.
* share/Makefile.am:
  - hacked a bit fixing the path to the gnome-btdownload icon, now
    points correctly to the right policy dir.

14. By Andrea Veri

* New upstream release.
* Closing "Fails to start second bittorent connection." bug,
  fixed by upstream. Users will have to hack gnome-btdownload.schemas
  file a little less to adjust the amount of downloads available. (Closes: #394236)

13. By Andrea Veri

* New upstream release.
* dropped debian/patches, modifications no more
  needed (already provided by the new version source files)
* dropped dh_python in debian/rules for dh_pycentral calling
* Added new co-maintainer

[ Alexander Sack ]
* XB-Python-Version: ${python:Version} to debian/control binary package

12. By Andrea Veri

* New upstream release.
* dropped debian/patches, modifications no more
  needed (already provided by the new version source files)
* dropped dh_python in debian/rules for dh_pycentral calling

[ Alexander Sack ]
* XB-Python-Version: ${python:Version} to debian/control binary package

11. By Sebastien Bacher

* Cleaned the list of patches, dropped the ones used upstream and make the
  other ones being actually applied to the code
* debian/control:
  - updated Ubuntu mainainer

10. By Gerardo Curiel <email address hidden>

* The "I was soo busy, i'm not very busy now" release
* Drop patch 01_increment_patch, merged upstream.
* Drop patch 07_python23_depends, obsolete.
* Python transition: set Python compatibility level to 2. (Closes: #383905)
* New upstream release (Closes: #374279, #382462)
* Swedish Translation added by upstream (Closes: #364415)
* gnome-btdownload depends again on python, bittorrent python module has been fixed ;)
* Bump bittorent dep to >= 3.3, as recommended upstream.

9. By Sebastien Bacher

* Sync with Debian
* New upstream version:
  - Finally added min_port and max_port to the GConf settings based on a
    patch from Dave Meikle.
  - Cleaned up code calling get_url so that it happens less often.
  - Cleaned up BtStateArgs a bit.
  - Fixed a couple path/URI confusion issues.
* debian/control.in:
  - Ubuntu uses python 2.4
* debian/patches/02_missing_bindtextdomain.patch,
  - fixed with the new version
* debian/patches/05_menu_change.patch:
  - updated
* debian/patches/07_python23_depends.patch:
  - not required for Ubuntu

8. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/patches/correct_save_location.patch:
  - patch by Gary Coady <email address hidden>
  - get the save location from the torrent file, not from the name of the
    torrent file
* debian/patches/get_url_fixup.patch:
  - patch by Gary Coady <email address hidden>
  - keep reading while there is something to read instead of doing only
    one call

Branch metadata

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