
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

12. By Michael Vogt

* debian/patches/01_ubuntu_theme.diff:
  - make sure to use a mimium width
* debian/patches/04_from_upstream_cvs_no_crop.diff:
  - don't crop icons or text when notification bubble is small
    (ubuntu: #45632)

11. By Michael Vogt

* debian/patches/01_ubuntu_theme.diff:
  - select the color of the notificaton based on the color
    of the tooltips of the current theme, this fixes the
    issue that it used to be unreadable for people needing
    the "High contrast inverse" (ubuntu: #25497)

10. By Michael Vogt

* debian/patches/01_ubuntu_theme.diff:
  - fix the in height caclulation for the body (ubuntu: #40379)
  - fix in xinerama mode (thanks to Johan Kiviniemi, Ubuntu: #31433)
* debian/patches/03_xinerama.patch:
  - fix in xinerama mode (thanks to Johan Kiviniemi, Ubuntu: #31433)

9. By Michael Vogt

* debian/patches/01_ubuntu_theme.diff:
  - add a prelight to the close-button when the mouse is over the
    notification to make it clear that clicking anywhere closes it
  - fix the height caclulation for small text (as produced by e.g.

8. By Michael Vogt

* debian/patches/01_ubuntu_theme.diff:
  - remove the gradient from the notification
  - fixes for arrow notifications facing downwards

7. By Michael Vogt

* debian/patches/01_ubuntu_theme.diff:
  - fix the notifications on the high contrast theme
  - make notification a bit less yellow

6. By Michael Vogt

* debian/patches/01_ubuntu_theme.diff:
  - add the new ubuntu theme
* debian/patches/02_make_ubuntu_theme_default.diff:
  - switch to the new theme by default
* debian/patches/99_autoconf.diff:
  - autoreconf

5. By Michael Vogt

* New upstream release:
  - Added a Close button to notifications. This closed ticket #8. Thanks
    to Michael Vogt for the basis of this patch.
  - Fixed a few bugs (including crashes) involving the freeing of
    memory when notifications and theme enginers are destroyed.
  - Fixed the theme engines to be installed as unversioned libraries.
    Thanks to Rodney Dawes for this patch.
  - Fixed a bug where the notification window was not realized, causing a
    crash. This fixes bug #10.
  - Fixed a crash in the Bubble theme when clicking an action.
  - Fixed action ordering in the Bubble theme.
  - Made the destroy_notification, show_notification, hide_notification,
    and set_notification_hints theme engine functions optional.
  - Added set_notification_timeout and notification_tick theme engine
  - Made several improvements to the Standard theme:
        o The left-hand color stripe has been made smaller and now
          reflects the urgency level set.
        o Added a pie-based countdown timer for notifications containing
          actions. This allows the user to see how long they have to
          react to a notification.
        o Converted the action links into buttons. These are now
          left-aligned and make a reasonable attempt to find an
          appropriate stock icon.
        o Allow the notification to be very short when no icons, body
          text or actions are specified.
* debian/patches/01_close_button.diff:
  - removed, accepted upstream

4. By Michael Vogt

* New upstream release
* was renamed from upstream from notify-daemon to notification-daemon
* added build-depends:
  - libxml-parser-perl, libpopt-dev, libsexy-dev, libgconf2-dev
* debian/patches/01_close_button.diff:
  - added close button (see DapperDesktopPlan spec)

3. By Michael Vogt

rebuild against latest dbus, updated dependencies

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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