
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

3. By Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt <email address hidden>

* HE
  - dpkg-sig:
    + [1-9A-F] describes possible hex digits not as well as [0-9A-F] (Yes,
      i'm a brainless idiot *sigh*). This should fix the Signer field for
      people using a 0x\S+0\S+ key id.
    + If passphrase caching enabled, we now check the passphrase at the
      beginning (and prompt again if something isn't ok)
    + Properly quote the $key and $maintainer arguments to gpg. (Closes:
    + Let ssh choose the username for a host if it wasn't specified in the
      URL, this allows the ssh config to do it's job. Thanks for the
      report, Marc. (Closes: #331122)
    + Handle ssh errors a *wee* *little* bit better. Almost no improvement,
      but enough to thank Marc for the report. (Closes: #331123)
    + Add missing chomps all over the place.
    + Replace '*changes' in a exec(grep) because that's crap and we know
      it (the .changes, not the crap).
    + Use another exit code when trying to verify and finding a bad
      signature. BAD SIG! GO TO YOUR ROOM! (Closes: #280559)
    + Check if an unknown key was used to create a signature when verifying
      a .deb. Output UNKNOWNSIG for those and exit with exitcode 3.
    + Don't use /usr/bin/perl -W, but /usr/bin/perl -w, which doesn't output
      stupid warnings.
    + die gracefully if a file couldn't be found (and don't end the show
      with a exit 0).

2. By Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt <email address hidden>

* HE
  - dpkg-sig:
    + Change order of return values of get_md5sums.
    + Renamed get_md5sums to get_deb_digests.
    + Added get_deb_parts to allow faster listing of sigs.
    + Use md5sum(1) instead of Digest::MD5
    + Splitted the verify_deb into one sub per signature version,
      this should allow to add new versions more easily.
    + Implemented new signature format suggested by weasel (thanks for
      that!). We now sign sha1sums, md5sums and the size of every
      part in the deb archive. The new format also transports more
      meta-information (Signer, Date and Role). (Closes: #276557)
    + Restructured dpkg-sig a bit to shorten the things done in main::
    + Added a lot of documentation as POD.
    + Added --remote-ssh-port|-o as cli option to allow people to
      specify the remote sshd port. (Closes: #271454)

  - debian/rules:
    + Generate dpkg-sig.7 from the POD documentation in dpkg-sig.

1. By Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt <email address hidden>

* HE:
  - debian/control:
    + Update the Uploaders field, i'm a DD now!
    + Depend on perl, not perl-base.

  - debian/rules:
    + Fix a dh_md5sum problem, it excludes all files with DEBIAN in their
      path (and we have such files as examples)

  - dpkg-sig:
    + Fixed the "Signed deb *changes" output to print out the signed deb,
      not the changes file it was referenced from.
    + Be a bit more verbose when signing .dscs and .changes.
    + Verify deb before signing it. [This lead also to a change on the
      return value of get_md5sums internally]

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