
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

6. By Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

* Upstream release 20141028 built from linux-firmware
  + Updated microcode patches for family 0x15 processors
  + Added microcode patches for family 0x16 processors
* AMD did not update the relevant microcode documentation (errata fixed,
  microcode patch levels, etc) for the 20141028 release, so there is no
  documentation for the family 0x16 microcode patches, and the
  documentation for the family 0x15 microcode patches is stale.
* Upstream release 20131007 built from linux-firmware
  + updated microcode:
    sig 0x00500F10, id 0x05000029: erratum (+) 784;
    sig 0x00500F20, id 0x05000119: erratum (+) 784;
    sig 0x00600F12, id 0x0600063D: errata (-) 668, (+) 759, 778;
  + new microcode:
    sig 0x00200F31, id 0x02000032: errata 311, 316;
    sig 0x00600F20, id 0x06000822: errata 691, 699, 704, 708, 709, 734,
        740, 778;
  + This update fixes important processor bugs that cause data corruption
    or unpredictable system behaviour. It also fixes a performance issue
    and several issues that cause system lockup.
* Switch to native package, since there is no upstream tarball
* debian/copyright: update upstream URL (Closes: #753593)
* debian/copyright: update with new license
* debian/install: all _fam microcode files for install
* docs: use glob pattern for _fam* README
* control: remove homepage and update standards-version

5. By Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

initramfs: work around initramfs-tools bug #688794.
Use "_" in place of "+-." for the initramfs script name. This works
around a PANIC during boot when the initramfs was created in a system
with noexec $TMPDIR.

4. By Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

* AMD microcode release 20120910
  + updated microcode:
    sig 0x00600F12, id 0x06000629: errata (+) 691, 709, 740;
  + new microcode:
    sig 0x00610F01, id 0x06001119: errata 671, 686, 697, 698, 699, 704, 709,
        734, 740;
  + This update adds critical errata fixes for commonly used features.
    The hit probability of these errata is unknown to the Debian maintainer.
* README.Debian: mention module-init-tools, not just kmod. This is useful
  when backporting to Debian Squeeze
* debian/control: add Vcs-* fields

3. By Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

* debian/control: priority of this package should be standard,
  not extra. All AMD-based X86 boxes should install this package
* debian/control: update package description

2. By Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

* AMD microcode release 20120117:
  sig 0x00100F22, id 0x01000083: errata 244, 260, 280, 302, 308, 315, 342;
  sig 0x00100F23, id 0x01000083: errata 244, 260, 280, 302, 308, 315, 342;
  sig 0x00100F2A, id 0x01000084: errata 244, 260, 280, 302, 308, 315, 342;
  sig 0x00100F42, id 0x010000DB: errata 342, 440, 573;
  sig 0x00100F43, id 0x010000C8: errata 407, 440;
  sig 0x00100F52, id 0x010000DB: errata 342, 440, 573;
  sig 0x00100F53, id 0x010000C8: errata 407, 440;
  sig 0x00100F62, id 0x010000C7: errata 407, 440;
  sig 0x00100F63, id 0x010000C8: errata 407, 440;
  sig 0x00100F80, id 0x010000DA: errata 419, 440, 573;
  sig 0x00100F81, id 0x010000D9: errata 406, 407, 440, 573, 669;
  sig 0x00100F91, id 0x010000D9: errata 406, 407, 440, 573, 669;
  sig 0x00100FA0, id 0x010000DC: errata 438, 440, 573;
  sig 0x00300F10, id 0x03000027: errata 564, 573, 662, 686;
  sig 0x00500F10, id 0x05000028: errata 461, 564, 594, 595;
  sig 0x00500F20, id 0x0500010D: errata 461, 564, 594, 639, 662, 686;
  sig 0x00600F12, id 0x06000624: errata 659, 660, 661, 668, 671, 672, 673;
* Initial upload to Debian, urgency medium because we need this in Wheezy
  to properly support AMD processors. Closes: #676921.

1. By Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

Import upstream version 0.20120117

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