
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

14. By Christophe Prud'homme

[Christophe Prud'homme]
* debian/control: add build-depends on mpi-default-dev
* Bug fix: "please add med support", thanks to trophime (Closes:

13. By Christophe Prud'homme

[Christophe Prud'homme]
* moved gmsh from pkg-scicomp to Debian Science
* Bug fix: "please add med support", thanks to trophime (Closes:

12. By Christophe Prud'homme

[Christophe Prud'homme]
Bug fix: "FTBFS: make[1]: *** No rule to make target `default'.
Stop.", thanks to Lucas Nussbaum (Closes: #577316).

11. By Christophe Prud'homme

* debian/control: now build with med-ficher support
* debian/control: update standards-version to 3.8.4 (no change)

10. By Christophe Prud'homme

[Christophe Prud'homme]
* New upstream release
  + solver code refactoring
  + better IDE integration.

9. By Christophe Prud'homme

[Christophe Prud'homme]
* New upstream release
  + fixed surface mesh orientation bug introduced in 2.4.0;
  + mesh and graphics code refactoring;
  + small usability enhancements and bug fixes.

8. By Christophe Prud'homme

[Christophe Prud'homme]
* Bug fix: "gmsh with cgns write support", thanks to Oliver Borm
  (Closes: #529972).
* debian/rules: make sure that Gmsh is built with occ support on all
  platforms thanks to Denis Barbier (#536435).

7. By Christophe Prud'homme

* New upstream release
  + major graphics and GUI code refactoring;
  + new full-quad/hexa subdivision algorithm (removed
  + improved automatic transfinite corner selection (now also
    for volumes);
  + improved visibility browser; new automatic adaptive visualization
    for high-order simplices;
  + modified arrow size, clipping planes and transform options; many
    improvements and
  + bug fixes all over the place.

6. By Christophe Prud'homme

* debian/control: fixed lintian warning "debhelper-but-no-misc-depends"
* debian/watch: fixed lintian warning

5. By Christophe Prud'homme

[Christophe Prud'homme]
* new upstream release
  + enhanced clipping interface;
  + API cleanup;
  + fixed various bugs (Plugin(Integrate), high order meshes, surface
  info crash).

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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