
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

19. By Josselin Mouette <email address hidden>

* de.po: German translation by Helge Kreutzmann. Closes: #599683.
* sv.po: Swedish translation by Martin Bagge. Closes: #599854.
* 04_manpage.patch: patch from A. Costa. Fixes typos in the manual
  page. Closes: #600899.

18. By Josselin Mouette <email address hidden>

* Include patch-translations.mk, bump build-depends accordingly.
* Include 03_error_message.patch in POTFILES.in.
* pt_BR.po: Brazilian Portuguese translation. Closes: #599032.
* fr.po: French translation by Christian Perrier. Closes: #599049.
* da.po: Danish translation by Joe Hansen. Closes: #599125.
* cs.po: Czech translation by Michal Simunek. Closes: #599198.
* update-gconf-defaults: patch from Ubuntu to deal with broken
  symlinks. Closes: #599393. Thanks Michael Vogt.

17. By Josselin Mouette <email address hidden>

03_error_message.patch: new patch. Replace the error message by
something more accurate nowadays. Closes: #582839.

16. By Josselin Mouette <email address hidden>

gconf-schemas: don’t error out if there are no schemas to install.
Closes: #577142.

15. By Josselin Mouette <email address hidden>

* So, it seems that parsing XML is so slow that regenerating the
  database entirely is faster than unregistering a schema and
  registering it again. Which means moving to triggers is a big
  performance improvement.
* update-gconf-defaults, gconf-schemas: do nothing when called from
  dpkg, except from gconf2.postinst itself.
* gconf2.triggers: register the /usr/share/gconf/* directories.
* gconf2.postinst: regenerate the databases depending on the triggers
* gconf2-common.dirs: ship an empty /usr/share/gconf/schemas, just in

14. By David Weinehall

[ David Weinehall ]
* New upstream release.
  + debian/patches/01_defaults_path.patch,
    - Refreshed.
* debian/control.in:
  - Bump Standards version to 3.8.4 (No changes needed).

[ Loïc Minier ]
* debian/gconf2-common.install: install evoldap.schema directly in
  /usr/share/doc; this makes it easier to build a non-LDAP version of GConf.

13. By Josselin Mouette <email address hidden>

[ Loïc Minier ]
* gconf2.postinst: don't test for install as this isn't used for postinsts;
  use lt instead of lt-nl as a replacement; thanks Martin Pitt.

[ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ]
* debian/patches/70_relibtoolize.patch:
  - Removed, not needed anymore since upstream uses a recent libtool.

[ Luca Bruno ]
* New upstream release.
* debian/control.in:
  - Update Standards-Version to 3.8.3, no additional changes needed.
  - Remove libpolkit-dbus-dev and add libpolkit-gobject-1-dev
  - Remove policykit from Build-Depends and from gconf-defaults-service.
    Closes: #549518.
  - Add misc:Depends to libgconf2-4, gconf2, libgconf2-dev and
  - Add Vcs-* fields.
* debian/gconf-defaults-service.install:
  - Share dir changed from PolicyKit to polkit-1.
* debian/patches/01_defaults_path.patch:
  - Update to apply cleanly.

[ Josselin Mouette ]
* Bump shlibs to version 2.27.0.
* Break gconf-editor < 2.28 because of the switch to PolicyKit 1.

12. By Josselin Mouette <email address hidden>

* update-gconf-defaults:
  + Support comments. Closes: #535569.
  + Add --only-if-changed option, which makes the script a no-op
    if no source files are more recent than the generated

11. By Josselin Mouette <email address hidden>

* New upstream release.
* Switch to quilt to manage patches; build-depend on quilt.
* 01_defaults_path.patch: new patch. Use gconf.xml.defaults for system
  defaults instead of gconf.xml.system, since in Debian we don’t
  pollute the original directory by applying schemas to it.
* 70_relibtoolize.patch: regenerate for the new version, without
  autom4te.cache in it.

10. By Josselin Mouette <email address hidden>

[ Josselin Mouette ]
* Add libglib2.0-doc to build-depends to ensure proper xrefs.
* README.Debian: improve documentation for the file format of the
  defaults directory. Closes: #519096.

[ Luca Bruno ]
* New upstream release.
* debian/control.in:
  + Update Standards-Version to 3.8.1, no additional changes needed.
  + Update Homepage to point to the new gconf homepage.
* debian/patches:
  + Update 70_relibtoolize.patch.

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