
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

8. By Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <email address hidden>

* Acknowledge 1.0.8-1.1 NMU, thanks gregor herrmann and Heiko Stuebner.
  Closes: #580106
* debian/patches/0002-fix-spelling-errors.patch:
  - Removed, fixed upstream.
* debian/patches/0001-disable-armv5t-specific-optimization.patch:
  - Renamed to 02_disable_armv5t_specific_optimization.patch.
    Also don't comment all the code in the #if block, just change
    #if __arm__ to #if 0.

7. By Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <email address hidden>

* Fix build on !linux
  - debian/patches/01_fix_build_on_not_linux.patch:
    + Don't hardcode libdrm APIs in clutter's source, check for libdrm
      on configure and use <drm.h> instead. Also don't fail the build
      if libdrm is not available. Closes: #589551.
  - debian/patches/90_autoreconf.patch:
    + Run autoreconf on top of the above patch.
  - debian/control.in:
    + Build depend on libdrm-dev on linux-any and kfreebsd-any.
* debian/control.in:
  - Build depend and depend on libgl1-mesa-dev >= 7.1~rc3-1~ for the
    availability of gl.pc. Closes: #551811.

6. By Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <email address hidden>

* New upstream release.
* debian/libclutter-1.0-0.symbols,
  - Add a symbols file.
* debian/rules,
  - Switch to source format 3.0 (quilt).
* debian/control.in:
  - Standards-Version is 3.9.0, no changes needed.
* Upload to unstable.

5. By gregor herrmann

[ gregor herrmann ]
* Non-maintainer upload.

[ Heiko Stuebner ]
* 0001-disable-armv5t-specific-optimization.patch:
  Fix armv4t compatiblity (Closes: #580106)
* 0002-fix-spelling-errors.patch:
  Fix spelling errors causing a failing build (Closes: #583465)

4. By Gustavo Noronha Silva

* New upstream release
* debian/control:
- adopt new GObject-Introspection mini-policy, by build-depending on
  gobject-introspection >= 0.6.5-3, and using the new gir1.0-* packages
* debian/control, libclutter-1.0-0.install, gir1.0-clutter-1.0.install:
- add new package for the typelib files
* debian/rules:
- make dh_girepository be called on the packages

3. By Gustavo Noronha Silva

New upstream release

2. By Gustavo Noronha Silva

[ Loïc Minier ]
* Downgrade pkg-config dep to a recommends.
* Update download URL in copyright.
* Use LDFLAGS/CFLAGS vars directly to avoid overriding them completely; bdep
  on cdbs >= 0.4.41.
* Wrap build-deps and deps.
* Let libclutter-0.8-dev dep on ${shlibs:Depends}.
* Bdep on libpango1.0-dev (>= 1.18) and libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.14)
* Cleanup rules.
* Use CDBS gnome.mk class instead of autotools.

[ Gustavo Noronha Silva ]
* New stable upstream release
* Updated build-dependencies according to upstream's configure.ac
* Build-Depend on cairo explicitly
* debian/control:
- make the doc package clutter-version-specific (libclutter-1.0-doc),
  and make it conflict with libclutter-doc
* debian/copyright:
- fixed and updated information with recent copyright changes

1. By Gustavo Noronha Silva

Import upstream version 1.0.0

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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