
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

17. By Dominique Dumont

* control:
  * removed Jose and Nick from uploaders
  * depends on new cme package and no longer
    on libconfig-model-perl
  * removed versioned dep on libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl
  * updated Vcs-Browser and Std-Versions
* rules: patch source to use date of last changelog entry
  as build date to make build reproducible

16. By Dominique Dumont

* stop/start LCDd on suspend/wakeup (LP: #365474)
* provide and use permanent symlink for imon device file (LP: #1186569)
  This requires udev for Linux.
* control:
  + added depends on udev and libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl (>= 2.042-2)
  + added dependency on libconfig-model-perl >= 2.059 to avoid a bug

15. By Dominique Dumont

* Imported Upstream version 0.5.7
* copyright: exclude files generated by autoconf
* refreshed patches
* untabified debian/NEWS to keep lintian happy
* control: depends on libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl 2.042

14. By Dominique Dumont

* new upstream version
* post-install script performs merge of upstream and user
  configuration (only for /etc/LCDd.conf). See NEWS file for
  more details
* /etc/LCDd.conf is no longer delivered as a conffile (in /etc)
* old configuration file is saved as /etc/LCDd.conf.dpkg-old
* control:
  * updated Standard-version to 3.9.5
  * added dependency on libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl (required for
    automatic configuration merge)
* copyright: updated years

13. By Dominique Dumont

control: removed build-dep on libirman-dev (Closes: #728067)

12. By Dominique Dumont

Main change: svga support is removed from Debian version of lcdproc
as svgalib is going to be removed from Debian.

* control:
  - removed build dependency on libsvga1-dev (Closes: #711096)
  * updated standard-version and git urls
* init script:
  + added status option
  * source /lib/lsb/init-functions
* compat raised to 9. This also enables hardening build (Closes: #719107)
  Thanks to Daniel Leidert for the bug report and the proposed patch.
* rules:
  * tweak extra-driver list to pass only the library basename
    to --exclude option
  * added quotes around drivers list
  * removed dead test about svga
  * removed flags setting now handled by compat 9
  * tweak LCDd.conf to setup DRIVERPATH with multiarch lib path
- hence removed LCDd-conf-for-debian patch
* *.install: added a '*' to cope with arch triplet
* copyright: updated years
+ new patch: tweak LCDd.conf to use syslog and run LCDd as root (to read
  /dev/lcd* file)

11. By Dominique Dumont

* Applied patch to cope with new automake 1.11.3 (Thanks Andreas)
  (Closes: #661343)
* control: bumped standard-version to 3.9.3 (no other changes)
* copyright: updated format URL

10. By Dominique Dumont

* new upstream version
* copyright:
  + added Markus Dolze (current maintainer),
  * updated my e-mail address
* control: updated my e-mail address
- patches: removed dont_eat_characters fix-duplicate-svga-lib-in-
  acinclude fix-spelling patches (applied upstream)

9. By Dominique Dumont

debian/control: added build-depends on automake

8. By Dominique Dumont

* debian/compat: bumped to 8
* debian/control:
  + depends on debhelper >= 8
  - Architecture: support all os except hurd
* debian/rules:
  + Added option '--with autotools-dev' to dh call (handles
    config.guess and config.sub).
  + Runs debian/autogen.sh before running configure
  + build and install svgsa.so only if /usr/lib/libvga.so* is
    present on the build system
  - removed some cruft.
* debian/autogen.sh: new file copied from libautotools-dev
* debian/clean: remove all files generated by autogen.sh
* debian/lcdproc-extra-drivers.install: removed svga.so (now
  handled by debian/rules)
* debian/patches: renamed to remove package name and version
  from patch names
* debian/source/options: added extend-diff-ignore to ignore files
  generated by autogen.sh
* debian/copyright: added copyright for debian/autogen.sh

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