
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

14. By Barry Warsaw

* Team upload.
* New upstream release.
* d/patches:
  - 02_compat.diff: This was previously removed from the quilt stack
    but not from svn. That's now done.
  - 02_issue_1328.diff, 03_issue_1199.diff, 04_issue_1315.diff:
    Added to work around DEP-8 test failures.

13. By Barry Warsaw

* Team upload.

[ Jackson Doak ]
* debian/rules: Move cherryd to /usr/sbin/ where it belongs
* debian/control, debian/tests/: Add autopkgtest. Thanks Chuck Short
* debian/control: Add missing depends on python-routes. LP: #463065

[ Barry Warsaw ]
* New upstream version.
  - Closes: #494342
* debian/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 with no other
  changes necessary.
* Rebuild drops dependency on python3.3. Closes: #751642
* debian/watch: Updated to point to PyPI page.
* debian/rules: Temporarily make cherrypy/cherryd executable so
  help2man can extract the --help text.
* debian/patches:
  - 00_supress_profiler_warning.diff: Refreshed.
  - 01_cherryd_location_fix.diff: Refreshed.
  - 02_compat.diff: Removed; applied upstream. Closes: #722671

12. By Jakub Wilk

* Team upload.
* Set PYTHONPATH when running help2man (closes: #655166). Thanks to Stéphane
  Graber for the bug report and for the patch.

11. By Stéphane Graber

Fix FTBFS because cherryd isn't in the python path.

10. By Gustavo Noronha Silva

[ JCF Ploemen ]
* New upstream release (Closes: #571196).
* Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (no changes needed).
* Removing patch 02: no longer needed, incorporated upstream.
* Updating patch 00 to match release.
* Install cherryd man page via debian/manpages.
* debian/copyright:
  + Added notice for cherrypy/lib/httpauth.py.
  + Fixed years.
* debian/watch:
  + Don't hit on the -py3 release by blocking '-' from the version.
  + Mangle upstream version, inserting a tilde for beta/rc.

[ Stéphane Graber <email address hidden> ]
 * Convert from python-support to dh_python2 (#654375)
  - debian/pyversions: Removed (no longer needed)
  - debian/rules
   + Replace call to dh_pysupport by dh_python2
   + Add --with=python2 to all dh calls
  - debian/control
   + Drop build-depends on python-support
   + Bump build-depends on python-all to >= 2.6.6-3~
   + Replace XS-Python-Version by X-Python-Version
   + Remove XB-Python-Version from binary package

[ Gustavo Noronha ]
* debian/control, debian/rules, debian/manpages:
 - use help2man to generate a manpage for cherryd at build time, since
  one is no longer shipped along with the source code
* debian/control:
- add python-nose to Build-Depends, since it's used during the
  documentation build for cross-reference generation

9. By Stéphane Graber

* Convert from python-support to dh_python2
  - debian/pyversions: Removed (no longer needed)
  - debian/rules
    + Replace call to dh_pysupport by dh_python2
    + Add --with=python2 to all dh calls
  - debian/control
    + Drop build-depends on python-support
    + Bump build-depends on python-all to >= 2.6.6-3~
    + Replace XS-Python-Version by X-Python-Version
    + Remove XB-Python-Version from binary package

8. By Gustavo Noronha Silva

* New upstream release (Closes: #528473)
* debian/rules:
- use the quilt make include file instead of using custom code; should
  make the package convertable to the new quilt source format
  (Closes: #538677)
* debian/control:
- updated Standards-Version with no changes
* debian/python-cherrypy3.links:
- fix link to point to the new place where python-support installs files

7. By Debian Python Modules Team

[ Bernd Zeimetz ]
* debian/rules: Fixed to work with dh >= 7.3.5 which will build with all
  installed Python versions.
* debian/control: Replace the python-all-dev Build-Dep by python-all.
  Cherrypy doesn't build extensions, so we don't need the C headers.

6. By Gustavo Noronha Silva

* Making lintian happy release
- uploading to unstable
* debian/control:
- added ${misc:Depends} to python-cherrypy3's Depends line
* debian/rules, debian/control:
- use debhelper 7 instead of cdbs; this rework also makes our
  installation process stop depending on python-support locations
  (Closes: #516144)
- use quilt for patches
* debian/README.source:
- added, to document usage of quilt
* debian/rules:
- remove aditional LICENSE.txt file that is being installed
* debian/rules, debian/python-cherrypy3.dirs, debian/python-cherrypy3.links,
- don't move the tutorial module to the documentation directory, since
  the cherrypy test structure, which is useful, actually wants to have
  it where it is; move the cherryd utility to /usr/sbin; the patch fixes
  where the tests want to run cherryd from
* debian/python-cherrypy3.doc-base.api:
- fixed manual section
* debian/source.lintian-overrides:
- removed; no longer needed

5. By Gustavo Noronha Silva

[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* Vcs-Browser and Homepage fields added
* Rename XS-Vcs-Svn to Vcs-Svn

[ Sandro Tosi ]
* debian/control
  - fix Vcs-Browser field

[ Gustavo Noronha Silva ]
* This update addresses the following security issue:
  - Directory traversal vulnerability in the _get_file_path function
    in filter/sessionfilter.py allows remote attackers to create or
    delete arbitrary files, and possibly read and write portions of
    arbitrary files, via a crafted session id in a cookie
* debian/control:
- updated standards-version to 3.7.3; no changes

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