- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp:txaws
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 159. By Alberto Donato
Merge lp:~ack/txaws/parameter-type-float [r=free.ekanayaka].
- 158. By Free Ekanayaka
Fix broken test due to changes in the SSL machinery of Twisted 14.0.0 [trivial]
- 157. By Alberto Donato
Merged catch-all-
server- error [r=fcorrea] [f=1211815]. This returns a generic "Server error" message for exceptions that are not APIError (the code is already 500 for those responses).
This avoids potential disclosure of server-side information (such as from tracebacks). - 156. By Alberto Donato
Merged xss-hardening [r=fcorrea] [f=1211805,
1211810] . Based on Chris' branch lp:~tribaal/txaws/xss-hardening, drops the cgi.escape as json content shoudn't be escaped.
It also adds the "X-Content-
Type-Options: nosniff" header, to prevent browsers from guessing the content type, and use the one declared in the response (application/json). - 154. By Alberto Donato
Add a UnicodeLine parameter type (for a single line of text, no newlines). [trivial] [r=free.ekanayaka].
- 153. By Francisco Souza
basic vpc and proxy support
- 152. By Thomas Herve
Enforce the name of list elements in the server schema if not provided [trivial]
- 151. By Andreas Hasenack
Merged no-local-
dir-for- ca-lookup [r=radix] [f=1072793] This branch changes get_ca_certs() so that it does not accidentally include the
current directory when looking for *.pem CA files to load.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)