Nicolas, No sure I have used the new version you had uploaded. I test it again, it stop at same step of "Not Found". I check the GUI, both the eth1 network and eth1 interface were created. I delete it from the GUI and rerun the 'dpkg --configure -a' again, still get "Not Found" In the MAAS document, this interface seems was created automatically. So it should related to my network. Here is my rough steps for test: 1)To setup 14.04.2 X86 Desktop without network from usb stick. The hostname set to OrangeBox8 and region is to Hongkong. 2)After install finish, I mount /srv and change locale and set eth1 static ip via network manager. 3)install biosnamedev and reboot. The eth0 will be em1 now. 4)Add rep and install ornage-box as below: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:maas-maintainers/stable sudo add-apt-repository ppa:orange-box/experimental sudo apt-add-repository ppa:juju/stable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -V install orange-box | tee /var/log/$(hostname)_log.txt thanks, Mao On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 5:00 PM, Nicolas Thomas <