Merge lp:~therp-nl/aeroo/stefan_therp-lp910619 into lp:aeroo/openerp6.1.x

Proposed by Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)
Status: Merged
Merge reported by: sraps (Alistek)
Merged at revision: not available
Proposed branch: lp:~therp-nl/aeroo/stefan_therp-lp910619
Merge into: lp:aeroo/openerp6.1.x
Diff against target: 11 lines (+1/-0)
1 file modified
report_aeroo/report_view.xml (+1/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~therp-nl/aeroo/stefan_therp-lp910619
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Aeroo Reports Team Pending
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1=== modified file 'report_aeroo/report_view.xml'
2--- report_aeroo/report_view.xml 2011-11-15 10:00:56 +0000
3+++ report_aeroo/report_view.xml 2012-01-01 19:31:27 +0000
4@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@
5 <field name="view_type">form</field>
6 <field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
7 <field name="domain">[('report_type','=','aeroo')]</field>
8+ <field name="context">{'default_report_type': 'aeroo'}</field>
9 <field name="view_id" ref="act_aeroo_report_xml_view_tree"/>
10 <field name="search_view_id" ref="act_aeroo_report_xml_search_view"/>
11 </record>


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