
Created by Robert Collins and last modified
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bzr branch lp:testscenarios

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Import details

Import Status: Failed

This branch is an import of the HEAD branch of the Git repository at https://github.com/testing-cabal/testscenarios.git.

The import has been suspended because it failed 5 or more times in succession.

Last successful import was .

Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-1 and finished taking 5 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-0 and finished taking 10 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-5 and finished taking 10 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-5 and finished taking 3 seconds — see the log

Recent revisions

26. By Jelmer Vernooij

Add travis configuration.

25. By Robert Collins

Release 0.5.

24. By Robert Collins

Migrate to git.

- new source layout
- use pbr for build goodness
- setup wheel building

23. By Robert Collins


* Tests fixed for Python 3.3, 3.4, 3.5. (Robert Collins)

22. By Robert Collins



* Python 3.2 support added. (Robert Collins)

21. By Robert Collins

Release 0.3 (and fixup NEWS).

20. By Robert Collins

* ``TestWithScenarios`` is now backed by a mixin - WithScenarios - which can be
  mixed into different unittest implementations more cleanly (e.g. unittest2).
  (James Polley, Robert Collins)

19. By Robert Collins

* New function ``per_module_scenarios`` for tests that should be applied across
  multiple modules providing the same interface, some of which may not be
  available at run time. (Martin Pool, Robert Collins)

18. By Robert Collins

Merge a tweaked version of Martins load_tests and multiply_scenarios patch.

17. By Robert Collins

Improve setup.py to setup pypi web pages better.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
