
Created by aeva black and last modified
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Branch merges

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Branch information

aeva black

Recent revisions

10. By Devananda

merged fix for bug 950151: arping -A is not picked up by switch

9. By Devananda

fixed behaviour of --skip-slave-unreachable, and actually implemented this option for my-swap-slave

8. By aeva black

updated auxiliary files for rev 7

7. By aeva black

merged in changes from devel: add *_vip_netmask option, autodetect netmask in vip_down, improved kill connections logic, add timestamps to output, clean up verbose messages and warnings, warnings now go to STDOUT, consolidated config files from separate files into single my_vip_flip.yml

6. By Devananda

updated configs and makefile for read VIP merge

5. By Devananda

merged in work for my-swap-slave, renamed my_vip_flip -> my-swap-master

4. By aeva black

merged upstream changes for --skip-migrate-slaves

3. By aeva black

added TODO feature list

2. By aeva black

added arping calls to vipup & vipdown commands. also added print .. if $verbose

1. By aeva black

Initial commit

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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