
Created by Luiz Felippe Santiago Rodrigues and last modified
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Team Galacticus

Recent revisions

740. By Luiz Felippe Santiago Rodrigues

* Adds a missing factor of (1/nodeMass) in the function that returns the halo gas fraction time derivative
* Modifies the accretion rate of the gas that has not previously accreted to make it morde consistent with the suppression of newly accreted gas.
* Modifies the implementation of the rate of change in the angular momentum of the hot gas in order to avoid floating point exceptions because of satellite haloes which stopped accreting mass at that point.

739. By Luiz Felippe Santiago Rodrigues

* Merges with parent branch:
 * Prevent preset satellite orbit method from attempting to set an
   undefined orbit when promoting nodes.
 * Adds tests for "blackHoleOutputData" and "outputDescendentIndices" to
   the test suite.
 * Correct bugs when blackHoleOutputData is true:
    + HDF5 access is now protected by an OpenMP critical section.
    + "thisIndex" is only accessed if a black hole component actually
 * Adds the "Satellite_Time_Of_Merging" property to the simple satellite
   orbit component.
 * When asked to output node descendents, checks that the
   "Satellite_Time_Of_Merging" property is gettable.
 * Correct misassignment of tangential velocity to radial velocity in
  standard satellite orbit component.
 * Adds functionality to issue a report on what is blocking node
   evolution in the case of a deadlocked tree.
 * In the "read" merger tree construction method:
    + Set position and velocity for copies of nodes inserted where a node
      has no primary progenitor, but has secondary progenitor(s).
    + Add options to force setting of orbits which do not intersect the
      virial radius, and to assert that all virial orbits were set.
 * Correct "apocenter" to "pericenter" in documentation of Font et
  al. (2008) ram pressure stripping model.
 * Correct misassignment of tangential velocity to radial velocity in
   preset satellite orbit component.
 * Add a node promotion task to preset satellite orbit component to
   ensure that orbit (and other properties) of parent is not lost when a
   node is promoted to its parent.
 * Kepler orbit object now returns a very large number for the apocenter
   of unbound orbits (rather than a negative number).
 * Fix function call finder in code analysis script to handle cases where
   a singleton parenthesis exists within double quotes.
 * Correct heating rate of hot halo from standard black hole to include
   missing factor of (speed of light)^2.
 * Fixes bug 967351 in which the Find_Programs.pl script would build an
   incorrect executable name for files containing ".f" in the middle of
  the name. This was due to an incorrect regular expression.

738. By Luiz Felippe Santiago Rodrigues

* Modifies the gas accretion rates to halo in the filtering mass prescription taking into account the derivative of the gas fraction of a halo (which was, until now, assumed to be negligible).

737. By Luiz Felippe Santiago Rodrigues

- Corrects the normalization of the reference model in the test program for the filtering mass (should be replaced later by a internally calculated value for present day Jeans mass, adjusting the expression accordingly)
- Fixes typo in the test parameter file
- Reduces the tolerance in the integrations used to find the filtering mass

736. By Luiz Felippe Santiago Rodrigues

* Adds checks that the Formation_Time property is gettable when using
  time available for cooling/freefall methods that make use of the time
  since halo formation.
* Add script to extract contributor information from source files.
* Correct incorrect variable name.
* Add script to extract contributor data from source file and
  incorporate into the documentation.
* Catch zero-mass galaxies in the tidal radius binary black hole initial
  separation calculation and return zero initial separation (i.e.
  instant merging).

735. By Luiz Felippe Santiago Rodrigues

- Adds a test to the filtering mass prescription.

- Corrects the Kravtsov's analytical formula.

734. By Luiz Felippe Santiago Rodrigues

- Adds documentation about the parameters gammaFilteringFactor and filteringMassVariableGammaFactor.

733. By Luiz Felippe Santiago Rodrigues

- Adds the declarations of the functions that store and retrieve the state at the Accretion_Halos_Filtering_Mass module.
- Corrects the testSuite parameter file.

732. By Luiz Felippe Santiago Rodrigues

- Merge to changes in the main development branch:

  * State store now allows for a message to be appended to a log file -
    useful to keep track of, e.g. for which tree the state was just
  * Exception handling code now attempts to output which OpenMP thread
    caused the exception.

  * Adds missing state restore and retrieve:
    + Growing core model for hot halo profile core radius now stores and
      retrieves tabulation of core radius vs. gas fraction.
    + Campanelli2007 binary black hole recoil velocity method now stores
        and retrieves the state of its random number generator.
  * Correct description of function in galaxy merger simple mass movements

  * Re-adds moving of unaccreted gas from parent to first child in node
    promotion events. Was added previously then erroneously removed again.
  * Updates the outer radius of the hot halo profile to the virial radius
    of the parent node during node promotion events.

  * Fix bug in reduction of black hole mass accretion rate due to jet
    power (was missing a factor of c^2).

731. By Luiz Felippe Santiago Rodrigues

- Corrections to the documentation.

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