
Last commit made on 2021-06-14
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Recent commits

0a6a324... by Thomas Cuthbert

Remove secrets from container once we're done

5315cc4... by Thomas Cuthbert

Updates to README based on charm changes

9a413fd... by Thomas Cuthbert

Replace HTTP based installer with wp cli

    The HTTP based installer was very fragile and prone to error.
    Instead of the charm performing the first time setup, the container
    looks for the presence of an environment variable that indicates if
    the service has already been installed. If the service installed
    state has not been passed into the charm the container will detect
    if it's already been installed via the CLI utility. If it has then
    the container will reset the admin credentials so that the
    `get-initial-password` action does not return the wrong password.

b03145d... by Thomas Cuthbert

Update blog_hostname def in config.yaml

    The charm will default blog_hostname to `self.app.name`
    (the charm name) when this option is missing.

b999fa5... by Thomas Cuthbert

Include upstream wordpress CLI to improve management tasks

be29f51... by Thomas Cuthbert

Fix ingress juju add-relation step in README

336e034... by Thomas Cuthbert

More updates for arbitrary plugin sync

    - Copy plugins out of plugin base at the end of the build to speed
    things up.
    - Make plugin syncing atomic on container startup.
    - Fix runtime bugs in the sync script.

5606214... by Thomas Cuthbert

Ensure image-builder/files is in PYTHONPATH

48d5ae5... by Thomas Cuthbert

Speed up container builds

    Prior to this change, container builds took a long time due to the
    requirement of fetching remote resources such as plugins and the
    WordPress source code. This commit separates the Dockerfile into
    stages that speed this process up.

    The plugin stage (which is the slowest) runs independently. The
    wordpress stage copies the downloaded plugins from the plugin stage
    into the `wp-content` tree so that changes within other stages don't
    always require plugins to be synced. In the future the plugins will
    be a separate volume container given they aren't a requirement for
    WordPress to actually run.

    `curl` has been replaced with `wget` when downloading the WordPress
    source code as it is more reliable. Eventually the container will
    just copy the source code directly out of the upstream wordpress
    container which will speed builds up even further.

f455009... by Thomas Cuthbert

Initial plugin fetching from charm config feature

    This is an initial run at allowing for arbitrary plugins defined in
    charm config. The `fetcher.py` script looks for the presence of an
    environment variable of plugin details and will sync them to the
    wordpress plugin directory.

    - Sync plugins directly in tree.
    - Create initial Plugin object abstraction.
    - Basic Plugin class tests.
    - Support for syncing plugins from a container env variable