
Created by James Polley and last modified
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bzr branch lp:~tchaypo/testscenarios/unittest2
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Branch information

James Polley

Recent revisions

21. By James Polley

Remove one more change not intended to be pushed upstream

20. By James Polley

Remove lines not intended to be pushed upstream

19. By James Polley

Try to import unittest2; fall back to unittest if that fails.

This adds support for people using the unittest2 library seperate from their
python distribution (possibly because they're on python >2.7; possibly just
because they like the bleeding edge)

18. By Robert Collins

Merge a tweaked version of Martins load_tests and multiply_scenarios patch.

17. By Robert Collins

Improve setup.py to setup pypi web pages better.

16. By Robert Collins

Merge patch from Ben Finney making tests with a shortDescription have that altered as well as the id.

15. By Robert Collins

Switch license to BSD / Apache-2.0 and do a 0.1 release.

14. By Robert Collins

Dist everything via sdist.

13. By Robert Collins

Start running tests using testtools.

12. By Robert Collins

Merge Martin Pools improvements to README, making it doctestable, more ReST compliant and a bit easier to read.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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