
Last commit made on 2022-02-15
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Recent commits

8d4db90... by Ralf Grubenmann <email address hidden>

feat(service): expose warnings and errors on cache.migrate endpoint (#2681)

35c3f1c... by Ralf Grubenmann <email address hidden>

build(deps): update dependencies (#2677)

* build(deps): (deps): bump pyopenssl from 20.0.1 to 22.0.0 (#2640)
* build(deps): (deps): bump toil from 5.5.0 to 5.6.0, vwltool to 3.1.20211107152837 (#2646)
* build(deps): (deps): bump pytest from 6.2.5 to 7.0.0 (#2641)
* build(deps): (deps): bump pytest-xdist from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (#2643)
* build(deps): (deps): bump rq from 1.10.0 to 1.10.1 (#2647)
* build(deps): bump walrus to 0.9.0
bump zstandard to 0.17.0
bump psutil to 5.9.0
bump cwltool to 3.1.20220210171524
bump marshmallow to 3.14.1
* build(deps): bump black to 22.1.0
bump pyshacl to 0.18.1
bump pytest-mock to 3.7.0
bump python-gitlab to 3.1.1
bump pytest-timeout to 2.1.0
* build(deps): bump humanize to 3.14.0
bump pyjwt to 2.3.0
bump pytest-cov to 3.0.0
bump sentry-sdk to 1.5.4
bump werkzeug to 2.0.3
* build(deps): bump fakeredis to 1.7.0
bump responses to 0.18.0
bump gitpython to 3.1.26
bump importlib-metadata to 4.11.0
bump isort to 5.10.1
* build(deps): bump attrs to 21.4.0
bump deepmerge to 1.0.1
* build(deps): bump redis to 4.0.2
bump filelock to 3.4.2
bump coverage to 6.3.1
bump rich to 11.2.0
bump click to 8.0.3
bump requests to 2.27.1
bump jinja2 to 3.0.3
bump python-dotenv to 0.19.2
bump cryptography to 36.0.1

da60506... by Lorenzo Cavazzi <email address hidden>

build: update sentry values (#2628)

* update sentry values
* fail cheatsheet creation action on warnings

7744a2d... by Mohammad Alisafaee <email address hidden>

fix(service): remove json requirement from project.lock_status (#2676)

dfd3887... by Viktor Gal <email address hidden>

docs: fix project_clone endpoint documentation (#2678)

24da074... by Ralf Grubenmann <email address hidden>

chore: release v1.0.5 (#2631) (#2634)

Co-authored-by: Viktor Gal <email address hidden>

6002279... by Ralf Grubenmann <email address hidden>

fix(service): bump Pillow to 9.0+ to fix security vulnerability (#2645)

fc58c81... by Ralf Grubenmann <email address hidden>

fix(core): fix file size in dataset imported from renku (#2637)

72d6fc3... by Ralf Grubenmann <email address hidden>

tests(service): fix cleanup of temporary IT branches (#2625)

6effa0e... by =?utf-8?q?Rok_Ro=C5=A1kar?= <email address hidden>

chore: remove jinja from all (#2629)