Merge lp:~svwilliams/loco-team-portal/888511-link-migration-ld-to-ltp into lp:loco-team-portal

Proposed by Stephen V. Williams
Status: Merged
Approved by: Chris Johnston
Approved revision: 504
Merged at revision: 506
Proposed branch: lp:~svwilliams/loco-team-portal/888511-link-migration-ld-to-ltp
Merge into: lp:loco-team-portal
Diff against target: 87 lines (+10/-10)
5 files modified
loco_directory/templates/404.html (+1/-1)
loco_directory/templates/500.html (+1/-1)
loco_directory/templates/about.html (+6/-6)
loco_directory/templates/base.html (+1/-1)
loco_directory/templates/login_failure.html (+1/-1)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~svwilliams/loco-team-portal/888511-link-migration-ld-to-ltp
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Chris Johnston Approve
Review via email:

Commit message

fixed links to loco-directory to now go to loco-team-portal

Description of the change

Ran grep looking for "*.net/~loco-directory"
Modified links in
 * 404.html
 * 500.html
 * base.html
 * about.html
from ~loco-directory to ~loco-team-portal

To post a comment you must log in.
504. By Stephen V. Williams

added +filebug for all bug links

Revision history for this message
Chris Johnston (cjohnston) :
review: Approve

Preview Diff

[H/L] Next/Prev Comment, [J/K] Next/Prev File, [N/P] Next/Prev Hunk
1=== modified file 'loco_directory/templates/404.html'
2--- loco_directory/templates/404.html 2011-10-05 00:50:53 +0000
3+++ loco_directory/templates/404.html 2011-11-12 01:46:23 +0000
4@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
5 <li><a href="{% url venue-list %}">{% trans "You can browse the full list of venues." %}</a></li>
6 </ul>
7 </p>
8-<p>{% trans "If you believe the reason you are here is a bug in the LoCo Team Portal please " %} <a href=''>{% trans "Report it!" %}</a></p>
9+<p>{% trans "If you believe the reason you are here is a bug in the LoCo Team Portal please " %} <a href=''>{% trans "Report it!" %}</a></p>
10 </article>
12 {% endblock %}
14=== modified file 'loco_directory/templates/500.html'
15--- loco_directory/templates/500.html 2011-10-05 00:50:53 +0000
16+++ loco_directory/templates/500.html 2011-11-12 01:46:23 +0000
17@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
18 <h2>{% trans "The LoCo Portal has encountered an Error!" %}</h2>
19 <p>{% trans "Please try your request again." %}
20 </p>
21- <p>{% trans "If you continue to experience problems with the LoCo Team Portal, please " %} <a href=''>{% trans "Report it!" %}</a>
22+ <p>{% trans "If you continue to experience problems with the LoCo Team Portal, please " %} <a href=''>{% trans "Report it!" %}</a>
23 </p>
24 </article>
27=== modified file 'loco_directory/templates/about.html'
28--- loco_directory/templates/about.html 2011-10-05 00:50:53 +0000
29+++ loco_directory/templates/about.html 2011-11-12 01:46:23 +0000
30@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
31 {% with '<a href="">' as link_launchpadlib %}
32 {% with '<a href="/data/xml/">' as link_xml %}
33 {% with '<a href="">' as link_gpl-3.0 %}
34- {% with '<a href="">' as link_ld %}
35+ {% with '<a href="">' as link_ld %}
36 <p>
37 {% blocktrans %}The LoCo Team Portal comes from two sources, {{ link_launchpad }}Launchpad{{ link_end }} and its {{ link_launchpadlib }}APIs{{ link_end }}. The data that the LoCo Team Portal gathers is also made available as {{ link_xml }}XML{{ link_end }} format to interoperate with other web apps and for possible mashups.{% endblocktrans %}
38 {% blocktrans %}The LoCo Team Portal is made available under the {{ link_gpl-3.0 }}GNU GPL v3{{ link_end }} and the Code is available in {{ link_ld }}Launchpad Code Hosting{{ link_end }}.{% endblocktrans %}
39@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@
40 {% with '</a>' as link_end %}
41 <p>{% trans "You can make it better:" %}
42 <ul>
43- {% with '<a href="">' as link_blueprint %}
44- {% with '<a href="">' as link_trans %}
45- {% with '<a href="">' as link_bugs %}
46- {% with '<a href="">' as link_code %}
47+ {% with '<a href="">' as link_blueprint %}
48+ {% with '<a href="">' as link_trans %}
49+ {% with '<a href="">' as link_bugs %}
50+ {% with '<a href="">' as link_code %}
51 {% with '<a href="">' as link_mail %}
52 <li>{% blocktrans %}Have an Idea? {{ link_blueprint }}Write a blueprint!{{ link_end }}{% endblocktrans %}</li>
53 <li>{% blocktrans %}Help {{ link_trans }}Translate!{{ link_end }}{% endblocktrans %}</li>
54@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
55 {% endwith %}
56 </ul>
57 </p>
58- {% with '<a href="">' as link_ld %}
59+ {% with '<a href="">' as link_ld %}
60 <p>{% blocktrans %}Need to know more, {{ link_ld }}just ask!{{ link_end }}{% endblocktrans %}</p>
61 {% endwith %}
62 {% endwith %}
64=== modified file 'loco_directory/templates/base.html'
65--- loco_directory/templates/base.html 2011-11-08 02:22:32 +0000
66+++ loco_directory/templates/base.html 2011-11-12 01:46:23 +0000
67@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
68 <div class="copyright">
69 &copy; 2008-{% now "Y" %} Canonical Ltd., Ubuntu Community. Ubuntu is a registered trademark of Canonical Ltd.<br />
70 <a href="/about">{% trans "About the LoCo Team Portal Project" %}</a><br />
71- {% trans 'Problems with LoCo Team Portal?' %} <a href="">{% trans 'File a Bug' %}</a><br />
72+ {% trans 'Problems with LoCo Team Portal?' %} <a href="">{% trans 'File a Bug' %}</a><br />
73 {% trans "LoCo Team Portal" %} {{ loco_version }}
74 </div>
75 {% endblock %}
77=== modified file 'loco_directory/templates/login_failure.html'
78--- loco_directory/templates/login_failure.html 2011-10-12 20:38:39 +0000
79+++ loco_directory/templates/login_failure.html 2011-11-12 01:46:23 +0000
80@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
81 <p>{{solution|safe}}</p>
82 {% endif %}
84- <p>{% trans "If you continue to experience problems with LoCo Team Portal, please " %} <a href=''>{% trans "Report it!" %}</a>
85+ <p>{% trans "If you continue to experience problems with LoCo Team Portal, please " %} <a href=''>{% trans "Report it!" %}</a>
86 </p>
87 </article>


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