
Created by Senthil Kumaran S and last modified
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Senthil Kumaran S
LAVA Dispatcher

Recent revisions

682. By Senthil Kumaran S

Fix bug #1224260 - split_multi_job makes assumptions about the job JSON that
are not enforced by the schema.

Always do not assume we have logging_level specified in the job JSON.

681. By Neil Williams

Neil Williams 2013-09-11 Point local references to a local location instead
 of validation.linaro.org
Neil Williams 2013-09-11 Point at the generated docs now supported in

680. By Dave Pigott

Allow upper class to open serial

679. By Dave Pigott

Change sdmux to masterimage type to get bootloader commands working

678. By Tyler Baker

Quick fix for _start_busybox_http_server

677. By Tyler Baker

Consolidate busybox httpd logic

676. By Tyler Baker

Remove boot_master_image dep from dummy_deploy

675. By Antonio Terceiro

[Fathi Boudra] an offset is always an integer]

674. By Neil Williams

Neil Williams 2013-09-06 minor tweak to the doc header structure to
 simplify the index listing.
Neil Williams 2013-09-05 lower Multi-Node message to debug as well
Neil Williams 2013-09-05 downgrade some other debug messages from
 info status.
Neil Williams 2013-09-05 Fix typo in dispatcher message when there
 is no results bundle.

673. By Tyler Baker

Fix Android image error messaging

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