
Created by Alexandre Fayolle - camptocamp and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp:~stock-logistic-core-editors/stock-logistic-tracking/github-7.0

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Branch information

Stock and Logistic Core Editors
Stock And Logistic Tracking

Import details

Import Status: Failed

This branch is an import of the HEAD branch of the Git repository at https://github.com/OCA/stock-logistics-tracking.git,branch=7.0.

The import has been suspended because it failed 5 or more times in succession.

Last successful import was .

Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-1 and finished taking 5 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-1 and finished taking 5 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-0 and finished taking 10 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-5 and finished taking 5 seconds — see the log

Recent revisions

27. By Pedro Manuel Baeza

Merge pull request #11 from guewen/7.0-oca-deps

Use oca_dependencies.txt, actualize .travis.yml

26. By Yannick Vaucher @ Camptocamp

Merge pull request #5 from rschnapka/7.0

create translation files (template and german)

25. By Alexandre Fayolle - camptocamp

Update travis configuration

use sudo: false to enable container build
use cache: pip to cache pip packages

24. By Yannick Vaucher @ Camptocamp

Merge pull request #7 from florian-dacosta/7.0-fix-pep-8

7.0-fix pep8 in ported modules + remove broken method from stock tracking extend

23. By Alexandre Fayolle - camptocamp

Update travis configuration

Follow OCA/maintainer-quality-tools#187 and use addons/apt/package directive to
install our build dependencies. This allows using container based Travis builds
(which should be faster).

22. By Alexandre Fayolle - camptocamp

don't use travis container-based infrastructure

21. By Alexandre Fayolle - camptocamp

Add OCA as author of OCA addons

In order to get visibility on https://www.odoo.com/apps the OCA board has
decided to add the OCA as author of all the addons maintained as part of the

20. By Alexandre Fayolle <email address hidden>

move uninstallable addons to __unported__

19. By Alexandre Fayolle <email address hidden>

update CI config

18. By Alexandre Fayolle <email address hidden>

fix travis / coveralls urls

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.