
Created by Ashton Snelgrove on 2021-08-05 and last modified on 2023-10-24


Recipe information

Build schedule: (?)
Built on request
Ashton Snelgrove
Base source:
Debian version:
Daily build archive:
LNIS Projects
Distribution series:

Latest builds

Status When complete Distribution series Archive
[FAILEDTOBUILD] Failed to build buildlog (8.8 KiB) Focal LNIS Projects
[FAILEDTOBUILD] Failed to build buildlog (8.8 KiB) Focal LNIS Projects
[FAILEDTOBUILD] Failed to build buildlog (8.8 KiB) Focal LNIS Projects
[FAILEDTOBUILD] Failed to build buildlog (8.8 KiB) Focal LNIS Projects
[FAILEDTOBUILD] Failed to build buildlog (8.8 KiB) Focal LNIS Projects

Recipe contents

# git-build-recipe format 0.4 deb-version {debupstream}-0~{revtime}-1
lp:lsoracle mockturtle_update
merge packaging lp:lsoracle-packaging
nest kahypar lp:~snelgrove/lsoracle/+git/kahypar lib/kahypar 4038aa4
nest alice lp:~snelgrove/lsoracle/+git/alice lib/alice 2c1944d
nest mockturtle lp:~snelgrove/lsoracle/+git/mockturtle lib/mockturtle e13ade9
nest googletest lp:~vcmi/googletest/+git/googletest lib/kahypar/external_tools/googletest
nest pybind_kahypar lp:~snelgrove/lsoracle/+git/pybind11 lib/kahypar/python/pybind11
nest pybind_alice lp:~snelgrove/lsoracle/+git/pybind11 lib/alice/lib/pybind11