
Created by Scott Moser and last modified
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Scott Moser

Recent revisions

358. By Scott Moser

sync again

357. By Scott Moser

some other python3 fixes

356. By Scott Moser

* New upstream snapshot.
  * move to python3 (LP: #1247132)
  * systemd: run cloud-init before systemd-user-sessions.service
  * Use the GCE short hostname. (LP: #1383794)
  * Enable user-data encoding support for GCE. (LP: #1404311)
  * Update to use a newer and better OMNIBUS_URL
  * Be more tolerant of 'ssh_authorized_keys' types
  * Fix parse_ssh_config failing in ssh_util.py
  * Increase the robustness/configurability of the chef module.
  * retain trailing newline from template files when using
    jinja2 (LP: #1355343)
  * fix broken output handling (LP: #1387340)
  * digital ocean datasource
  * update url in config drive documentation
  * freebsd: enable correct behavior on Ec2.
  * freebsd: Use the proper virtio FreeBSD network interface name.

355. By Scott Moser

releasing package cloud-init version 0.7.6~bzr1022-0ubuntu1

354. By Scott Moser

* New upstream snapshot.
  * support for writing swap files per user config (disabled by default).
  * fixes for freebsd support of config drive.

353. By Scott Moser

releasing package cloud-init version 0.7.6~bzr1020-0ubuntu1

352. By Scott Moser

* New upstream snapshot.
  * cc_grub_dpkg: consider /dev/xvda as candidate for grub installation
    (LP: #1336855)
  * resizefs: fix backgrounding of resizefs (LP: #1338614)
  * cloud-init-blocknet: remove debug code

351. By Scott Moser

Fix for cloud-init misidentifying grub install device (LP: #1336855).

350. By Scott Moser

releasing package cloud-init version 0.7.6~bzr1016-0ubuntu1

349. By Scott Moser

* New upstream snapshot.
  * upstart: block networking from coming up until after
    cloud-init-local has run. (LP: #1368861)
  * upstart: ensure /run mounted before cloud-init-local (LP: #1353008)
  * log failures in route info.
  * Openstack: do not search redundant urls for openstack datasource.
    do not load urls just to check if they're present when crawling.
  * ConfigDrive: fixes for better consumption of vendor-data
  * resizefs: make sure target is writable before attempting
    in order to avoid failures in containers. (LP: #1366891)
  * freebsd fixes.
  * ssh_authkey_fingerprints: correctly allow disabling (LP: #1340903)
  * CloudStack: work around bug in metadata service (LP: #1356855)
  * docs: fix doc about disk-setup 'table_type' (LP: #1313114)
  * resolv.conf: fix rendering if options not provided (LP: #1328953)
  * ensure keys exist before running ssh on systemd (LP: #1333920)

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