
Created by Scott Moser and last modified
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bzr branch lp:~smoser/ubuntu/quantal/cloud-init/sru
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Scott Moser

Recent revisions

239. By Scott Moser

releasing version 0.7.0-0ubuntu2.3

238. By Scott Moser

in config-drive data to be provided from a CD-ROM (LP: #1100545)

237. By Scott Moser

releasing version 0.7.0-0ubuntu2.2

236. By Scott Moser

fix issue with cloud-config data in user-data providing mirror
info (LP: #1073077)

235. By Scott Moser

releasing version 0.7.0-0ubuntu2.1

234. By Scott Moser

update lp-1076811-fix-userdata-update-to-distro-config.patch

The previous patch for this was not complete, as it left the
DataSourceNone without a distro. I saw this inadvertantly when
testing the package. To reproduce the issue, I did:

 * launch instance
 * echo "datasource_list: [ None ]" |
    sudo tee /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-nocloud.cfg
 * sudo rm -Rf /var/lib/cloud
 * sudo cloud-init init --local ; sudo cloud-init init
   # the above will find the DataSourceNone
 * sudo cloud-init single --name=apt-configure --frequency=always
   # in 12.10 and prior:
   # sudo cloud-init single --name=apt-update-upgrade --frequency=always

This would have left cloud-init broken for using the DataSourceNone path
which is actually relied upon in some cases. (Ie, if you had no DataSource,
but had a runcmd in /etc/cloud.cfg.d you still want that to run.)

233. By Scott Moser

debian/patches/lp-1077020-fix-ca-certificates-blanklines.patch: fix
adding of empty lines in ca-certificates file (LP: #1077020)

232. By Scott Moser

revert unintended change to cloudinit/distros/__init__.py

231. By Scott Moser

fix broken lp-1076811-fix-userdata-update-to-distro-config.patch patch

lp-1076811-fix-userdata-update-to-distro-config.patch was , as it
did not keep reference to the two added files, and had a strange
deleted then added one.

230. By Scott Moser

restart the landscape-client if changes to config were made. (LP: #1070345)

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