
Created by Scott Moser and last modified
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Scott Moser

Recent revisions

380. By Scott Moser

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379. By Scott Moser

mkcabundle: replace perl with bash

378. By Scott Moser

Get newer util-linux (2.27) to support gpt partition manipulation.

We do this to have a new enough sfdisk to work with GPT.
The version of 2.26.2 is not enough due to sfdisk losing uuids
of gpt partitions on recreate (LP: #1474090).

377. By Scott Moser

bin/common-functions: fix sec2human for 0 second times.

376. By Scott Moser

arm/aarch64: put a getty on ttyAMAO.

Allow to login on serial console on arm/aarch64 architectures.
Virtualized ARM/AArch64 machines provide ttyAMA0 serial port. Use it.

375. By Scott Moser

bin/build-release: add human output format to logevent messages.

We would see something like:
  Thu, 21 Jul 2016 19:06:21 +0000 finished [10892s]
Now show something like:
  Thu, 21 Jul 2016 19:06:21 +0000 finished. Took 3h 1m 32s. [10892s]

374. By Scott Moser

bin/system-setup: add mtools to packages needed for build-efi-images.

mcopy from package mtools is used by build-efi-images.
Add it to the list.

373. By Scott Moser

ca-certificates: update to current in mozilla trunk.

372. By Scott Moser

bin/mkcabundle: replace cvs with wget to github of mozilla git

mozilla no longer uses cvs. upstream git is on github.
We can just download the file with wget and still use mkcabundle.
TODO is to replace mkcabundle with shell that does same thing,
and updates the header correctly.

371. By Scott Moser

Add support for UEFI booting on AArch64 and x86-64 architectures.

Grub2-efi binaries are pulled from Ubuntu and used to build EFI grub

Disk images are switched to GPT scheme. Part1 is rootfs (from part.img
as it was), part15 is EFI System Partition with EFI grub in place
(on aarch64 and x86-64 only).

Also enabled ARM disk images to be part of release.

Boot tested:

- aarch64/uefi - grub
- aarch64/uefi - direct kernel
- arm - direct kernel
- i686/bios
- x86-64/bios
- x86-64/uefi

All those images booted fine. Not tested PPC ones yet.

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