
Created by Christopher Grebs and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp:~shoxi/nathive/nathive-sandbox

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Branch information

Christopher Grebs
Review team:
Nathive Developers

Import details

Import Status: Invalid

This branch is an import of the HEAD branch of the Git repository at git://gitorious.org/~entequak/nathive/nathive-sandbox.git.

Last successful import was .

Import started on russkaya and finished taking 15 seconds — see the log
Import started on neumayer and finished taking 15 seconds — see the log
Import started on russkaya and finished taking 15 seconds — see the log
Import started on neumayer and finished taking 15 seconds — see the log

Recent revisions

7. By Christopher Grebs

erased unused utils directory (is now extra)

6. By Christopher Grebs

ups, we are nathive :D

5. By Christopher Grebs

small cleanups, implemented a real logger system and integrated it so that we are able to fill log files and to output colorized output

4. By Christopher Grebs


3. By Christopher Grebs

removed some stuff

2. By Christopher Grebs


1. By Marcos Diaz

launchpad rev 57 clone

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.