
Created by sdess and last modified
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OpenShot Video Editor

Recent revisions

235. By Steeve Descarpentries <steeve@steeve-laptop>

Merge from lp:openshot, rev 231

234. By Steeve Descarpentries <steeve@steeve-laptop>

Merge from lp:openshot, rev 230

233. By Steeve Descarpentries <steeve@steeve-laptop>

Reorganization of the load method in class open_project_kdenlive. Filling in the tracks with clips.

232. By Steeve Descarpentries <steeve@steeve-laptop>

Merge from lp:openshot, rev 227

231. By Steeve Descarpentries <steeve@steeve-laptop>

Modif of open_project_kdenlive to add trakc creation from the kdenlive project file, with name of track and attributes audio_play and video_play.
Move the code of rename_track (class sequence) into a new methode rename in class track.
Add a method giveTrack in the project class.

230. By Steeve Descarpentries <steeve@steeve-laptop>

Move addTracks code into the project class.

229. By Steeve Descarpentries <steeve@steeve-laptop>

Add the class open_project_kdenlive, child of base_open_project. Load the xml kdenlive project file, find all the ressources and add them into the project_folder.
Create 2 methods in project class, by moving code, one from addFiles, one from NewProject.
No add of the kdenlive project file in the recent project entry, I think this would not be a good option.

228. By Steeve Descarpentries <steeve@steeve-laptop>

Replacement of the method open_project by new classes, base_open_project and her child open_project_osp. Remove the file open_project.py. Add files base_open_project.py and open_project_osp.py.

227. By Steeve Descarpentries <steeve@steeve-laptop>

Add the possibility to select a kdenlive file in the project file form. Call of a methos of the process class for the import of kdenlive project which make nothing for the moment.

226. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

Updated desktop file to include some additional meta data

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