- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp:rudel
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 632. By Jan Moringen
Made rudel icon directory configurable at runtime
Patch by ulm; can be found here:
https://overlays. gentoo. org/proj/ emacs/browser/ emacs-overlay/ app-emacs/ rudel/files/ rudel-0. 3_pre20110405- icons-dir. patch?rev= 1661
* rudel-icons.el (header): updated copyright
(rudel-icons-directory ): use `defvar' instead of `defconst'
(rudel-defimage): dynamically bind `image-load-path' to the value
`rudel-icons-directory ' - 631. By Jan Moringen
Handle encryption a little better in obby/rudel-
obby-client. el
* obby/rudel-obby-client. el (header): updated copyright
(rudel-obby/net6_ encryption_ begin): display a warning message if an
encrypted connection has been requested but the selected transport
does not support encryption - 630. By Jan Moringen
Reenabled byte-compilation in rudel-compile.el
* rudel-compile.el (top-level): reenabled byte-compilation - 629. By Jan Moringen
Better info callback in rudel-host-session in rudel.el
* rudel.el (rudel-host-session) : use `rudel- ask-listen- info' instead
of `ignore' as info-callback - 628. By Jan Moringen
Added persistent sessions task in TODO
* TODO (Future): added task "Persistent Sessions" - 627. By Jan Moringen
Added telepathy tasks to rudel-0.3 in TODO
* TODO (Milestone rudel-0.3): added task "Telepathy session
initiation"; changed priority of task "Telepathy transport" to major - 626. By Jan Moringen
Rescheduled telepathy and infinote tasks in TODO
* TODO (Milestone rudel-0.4): task "Infinote client functionality"
moved between milestones rudel-0.3 -> rudel-0.4; task "Support for
trees of documents" moved between milestones rudel-0.3 -> rudel-0.4
(Milestone rudel-0.3): task "Telepathy transport" moved between
milestones rudel-0.4 -> rudel-0.3; - 625. By Jan Moringen
Updated tasks in TODO
* TODO (Future): changed state of "Remember inputs and use as default
..." TODO -> STARTED; new task "Advice buffer-list to show ...";
minor fixes in other tasks - 624. By Jan Moringen
Fixed remaining references to rudel-end-session
* rudel-mode.el (rudel-minor-keymap) : fixed reference to function
`rudel-end-session' -> `rudel- leave-session' - 623. By Jan Moringen
Fixed remaining references to rudel-unpublish
* rudel-mode.el (rudel-minor-keymap) : fixed reference to function
`rudel-unpublish- buffer' -> `rudel- unsubscribe- buffer'
(rudel-minor-menu) : likewise
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 6
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)