On Wed, 2009-08-19 at 08:13 +0000, Jeroen T. Vermeulen wrote: > Review: Needs Fixing > Hi Salgado, > > I stubbed my toe a few times looking at the UI changes, until I realized > that I'm really missing a breadcrumb for the poll. Once you've drilled > down into a poll, everything you do in there refers back to the team. > On the edit-option page I found no reference to the poll whatsoever: > it's like you're editing a direct property of the team itself. Having > the poll shown as a first-class entity would make a big difference, I > think. But that's not for a template conversion to fix. I think everybody who's used polls had a similar experience to yours. They were written a long time ago and were left mostly untouched since then, even when we redesigned navigation/UI for 1.0 and 2.0 > > There were a few small inconsistencies, or at least things that I think > are inconsistent: adding an option gives me "Show options" and "Change > details" as related pages, plus a Save button, but editing one gives me > Save plus the Cancel link. Is there a reason why these are so > different? That's because URL of these related pages are relative, so they work on IPoll pages (like +newoption) but not on IPollOption ones (like +option/id). The Cancel link was added there only to make it possible to return to the +options page, but all forms should have a Cancel link. > > Something that may force the issue is that the "Change details" link on > the new-option page is for the poll. Had I not known where this UI > element came from, I might have expected it to apply to the option I'm > adding. So I think it'd be more intuitive to remove these "related > pages" links from the new-option page and add a Cancel link back to the > poll instead. I think that's a good thing to do. > > Similarly, unless Martin has a rule against it, I think the poll edit > form should have a Cancel link. Right now there's no direct way back to > the poll page. They all should have a Cancel button. > > (The same goes for the options overview by the way, which is the only > place where I would really expect to be able to add or edit options. It > looks to me as though the options page wants to be integrated into the > poll page, with an "Add new option" link inline and without any remnants > of this old actions menu anywhere. Maybe that's what you have planned > anyway.) In fact, my only plan is to migrate these pages without making things any worse than they already are and spend the least possible amount of time doing so. But I really liked your suggestion, so I filed https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/415896 > > Another very minor annoyance is that some of the page headings look a > little redundant. Sometimes they include the poll name, sometimes they > don't. Where they do, they duplicate the poll title displayed in small > font right above the heading. But I don't see any way of fixing that > without either removing that small title (which seems to be baked into > the application menu above it) or removing the poll name from the page > title--both of which sound like bad alternatives. > > Speaking of headings: your branch sets the label for the poll edit form > to "Edit poll details." What exactly that text should read is an > ongoing discussion (started by Curtis on the mailing list), but more to > the point, I don't see it show up anywhere! If you provide a page_title > in this view it'll get picked up (and the one in pagetitles.py will no > longer be needed), but label doesn't seem to be. The .label should be picked up by launchpad-form.pt, which is used in these pages. I can't seem to find what template picks up the page title and includes it as an

, though. This must be something specific to the locationless macro as I don't see this behaviour on other LaunchpadFormViews. Maybe Curtis can enlighten us. > > Apart from that, the code as such looks good to me. Nice use of a mixin > for the navigation menu, though in this case I'd leave it out altogether > instead of migrating it to the 3.0 setup. > Agreed, but I don't really have the time to combine the pages and inline the links in them, so the nav menus will have to do for now. :/ Thanks a lot for the review and the suggestions. -- Guilherme Salgado