
Last commit made on 2023-03-17
Get this branch:
git clone -b lp2012073_zed https://git.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-barbieri2010/ubuntu/+source/heat
Only Rodrigo Barbieri can upload to this branch. If you are Rodrigo Barbieri please log in for upload directions.

Branch merges

Branch information


Recent commits

64b3c6c... by Rodrigo Barbieri

d/p/lp2012073.patch: Decode UTF-8 body data in SwiftSignal (LP: #2012073)

d935757... by Corey Bryant

releasing package heat version 1:19.0.0-0ubuntu1.1

83c3fe0... by Corey Bryant

d/p/honor-hidden-parameter.patch: Ensure get_environment() masks hidden parameters (LP: #1999665).

b2dad4d... by Corey Bryant

d/gbp.conf: Create stable/zed branch.

5cde33c... by Corey Bryant

releasing package heat version 1:19.0.0-0ubuntu1

5b0b5c8... by Corey Bryant

New upstream release for OpenStack Zed.

13dbdb0... by Corey Bryant

Update upstream source from tag '19.0.0'

Update to upstream version '19.0.0'
with Debian dir 601afaa8b73cb4783e25568562acc9463ce9a767

5d589ea... by Corey Bryant

New upstream version 19.0.0

b705ec7... by Corey Bryant

d/watch: Scope to 19.x.

5de8e1a... by Corey Bryant

releasing package heat version 1:18.0.0+git2022091212.7b1b373d2-0ubuntu1